Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Pregnancy Tests.
Hi laddies, I got my bloodwork back my white blood cells were at 11.16 and my neutrophils are at 8.1. Says on the results they are high. I read this can be normal within pregnancy but I have a lot of medical anxiety so I just wanna hear if anyone else has had this too and what happened? Haven’t talk to my doctor yet...
Hello, I have had a number of positive tests starting last Friday up until Tuesday this week where I got a 1-2 weeks pregnant on a digital. I tested again today on a strip test to check the line was getting darker but it was negative, so I did 2 more digital which both now say ‘not pregnant’, but I’ve had no bleedi...
Please comment if yes. My period is a few days late but negative pregnancy test. I don’t know when to test again and I don’t know why else it could be so late. Usually quite regular.
I had this positive test appear on my boots test, it appeared between 2-6minutes of taking the test but I didn’t time it. Im very early testing but as soon as I saw positive I looked at the reviews of the tests and they’re quite negative for showing indent lines that look positive. Does this look like a positive or ...
I had a positive frer yesterday, but this morning the line looks a little lighter. I took some different tests but they still seem similar to yesterday’s if not a tiny bit darker. Has anyone experienced this and it been okay? This would already be a rainbow, so please be sensitive in comments 🙏🏻💕
So the AI check said test line was visible. I see it but don’t believe it. If there is a line here, would a first response test show me a line too?
I've had these vvvvfl showing up on my Walmart equate brand tests the last two days, both the blue dye test and the 88¢ purple dye tests, but my digital test was negative this morning and so are all my Walgreens brand strips. I believe I'm 14dpo and should have started my period today. Are these positive or just ind...
10DPO - I’m sure there’s a faint line?? I’ve heard some people get false positives with clear blue early detection, anyone experienced this? 2 miscarriages and a chemical so I’m really praying this is my time 🥺
I was due on Monday and no period came, so I tested Tuesday & yesterday and got VFL, I did a digital and got ‘not pregnant’. Today I did 2 digitals which have come back ‘pregnant 1-2 weeks’ but the lines are still very faint (almost fainter than the previous day). I’ve had 3 miscarriages (2 being chemicals) befo...
I feel like it positive but I only got my coil out less than a month ago so trying to cover all basis🫣
I took this test earlier and it was negative after the 3 mins, but a few hours later there’s a clear thin blue line. I’m sure it’s an evap but I’m confused as I thought they were colourless?!
This came up on a test then an hour later the same brand of test came up negative
I think I’m 10dpo today but I easily could be 9. My test yesterday was negative but I’ve tested this morning and there is obvious line but quite thin and blue. Has anyone had a positive like this before? I appreciate I’m early. Thanks x
Hello ladies Bit of a story I’m sorry but need some help. I got what I assumed was my period 3 days ago. Roughly around 10dpo. It was odd and very light but didn’t think anything of it and I was getting negative tests before it arrived. Last night I had the urge to do a test. So I did a clear blue rapid detection...
I’ve never used these tests before, but I’ve heard great things. I’m 7dpo and have had some symptoms and couldn’t help but test early! I definitely see a second line and it showed up before the 5 minutes was up. More pictures and invert in the comments. Hopefully this isn’t an indent 🙏🏼
What’s the earliest you’ve showed on a pregnancy test?
Bit of an odd one , but from previous experience, I know that ovulation tests seem to pick up when you are pregnant… past 2 times I’ve been pregnant, I’ve known this because my ovulation tests have been super positive (when I shouldn’t be ovulating) and both times I’ve been pregnant. Anyway…. I’m currently having a...
A faint line but 2x digital negative; not sure what to think! 🤞🏼🤞🏼
I'm 6 weeks 3 days ...just wondering how other people's tests are at this time ,mine was alot darker last week but have been fainter past couple of days ,wasn't sure if it was hook effect or not
I can see a vf line but I know my partner will say he can’t see anything. Will put inverted in comments too