Community Posts, Tips & Support on Pregnancy Tests

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Pregnancy Tests.

Help, evap?

I took this test earlier and it was negative after the 3 mins, but a few hours later there’s a clear thin blue line. I’m sure it’s an evap but I’m confused as I thought they were colourless?!


Is this a line

This came up on a test then an hour later the same brand of test came up negative


Positive or evap?

I think I’m 10dpo today but I easily could be 9. My test yesterday was negative but I’ve tested this morning and there is obvious line but quite thin and blue. Has anyone had a positive like this before? I appreciate I’m early. Thanks x


Positive then negative

Hello ladies Bit of a story I’m sorry but need some help. I got what I assumed was my period 3 days ago. Roughly around 10dpo. It was odd and very light but didn’t think anything of it and I was getting negative tests before it arrived. Last night I had the urge to do a test. So I did a clear blue rapid detection...


Positive?? 🥹 7dpo

I’ve never used these tests before, but I’ve heard great things. I’m 7dpo and have had some symptoms and couldn’t help but test early! I definitely see a second line and it showed up before the 5 minutes was up. More pictures and invert in the comments. Hopefully this isn’t an indent 🙏🏼


Pregnancy Tests

What’s the earliest you’ve showed on a pregnancy test?


Ovulation tests picking up pregnancy after miscarriage

Bit of an odd one , but from previous experience, I know that ovulation tests seem to pick up when you are pregnant… past 2 times I’ve been pregnant, I’ve known this because my ovulation tests have been super positive (when I shouldn’t be ovulating) and both times I’ve been pregnant. Anyway…. I’m currently having a...



A faint line but 2x digital negative; not sure what to think! 🤞🏼🤞🏼


Is this normal ??

I'm 6 weeks 3 days ...just wondering how other people's tests are at this time ,mine was alot darker last week but have been fainter past couple of days ,wasn't sure if it was hook effect or not


Can anyone see a faint line

I can see a vf line but I know my partner will say he can’t see anything. Will put inverted in comments too


3 VFL & 1 Negative Digital

I am due on around now, I took a test last night and swear there is something there so have done 3 more this morning. 2 there are VFLs but a digital negative. I have period symptons now it’s just the 3 VFLs or am I being blind! (The lines were looked at within 5 mins of taking each test) I have had 1 miscarriag...


Negative? 😭

I think I know it’s negative but I’m different angles I can kinda see a line, a very VVVVVVVFL?? 🤒🤒 thoughts? I just really want a baby :(


I wiped about 2 days ago and blood was there when I wiped (pic in comments) anyways that is the only blood that showed up had multiple positive pregnancy test (I would be 2 months on February 24)

Do yall know what’s happening


Feelings feelings....

9dpo and feeling nothing. Kinda feeling sad tbh. What should i do if i get a negative??? Any ways that helped you cope? The reason i feel its gonna be negative cuz i had period like cramps few days ago and nothing else after that.


LH test an indication of pregnancy

Can LH strips give an indication of pregnancy? I have no pregnancy test left to use today, I tested yesterday and it was negative (I’m pretty sure I was 13 dpo yesterday) Should my line be this dark at cycle day 28 on a LH strip or am I clutching at straws here?


Got my negative test today after MC on 26th Jan

I dunno how to feel, I never thought I’d say I’m ‘glad’ I got a negative test but I am glad it’s essentially over in a way and I don’t have to contact the hospital about it anymore. Let’s hope for a 🌈🌈🌈



What does everyone think of this test? Is that an evaporation line??


Pregnant again?

Hello! I’m in need of some advice. I’m late on my period with pregnancy symptoms, so I decided to test. My local shop only had digitals in stock so I had to use one of those. It came up negative but out of curiosity I opened the test (I know test is now void). I know digitals have 3 lines and that there’s always ...


Evap line?

I peed on the window by mistake. Does this look like an evap line? Pic taken under 10 mins after test. First positive I’ve had (5 days before period due).


Baby #2

We were not trying yet but is this positive? Or is it a false positive?? I can’t tell if I can see a line in the bottom one but the top one I def can. I only took them cuz I felt really nauseous all day


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