Could be the hook effect if your 6weeks now your hcg might be peak so it’s not registering on the tests.
@Tara I tried that it didn't seem to make much of a difference 😔I'm hoping it is just that ...I'm so not sure ...I don't know if it'd just these tests that are crap ...
@Emily I hope so ugh waiting game is horrendous 😭I have been a mess ...
If you’re really concerned you can book a private scan at this point; I booked one for my exact 6 weeks ☺️ saw a little flicker where the heart will be formed. But please don’t be disheartened yet. My tests got lighter once and I got so worried. I was told not to trust the progression of lines and trust my body. I’ve had that scan since then and baby’s growing how it should 🫶🏼
@Emily thank you ,I properly will do that ♥️ I'm not going to be able to have a scan till after 22nd tho , I get paid at the end of the month ...I dunno if I can wait that long 🤣😭
Oh bless you. I understand the worry but I wouldn’t trust the tests. You can even ring your gp see if they can fit you in for a Beta HCG today then in 2 days to make sure you’re doubling that’ll tell you everything is going well still ☺️
@Emily the most frustrating thing is that in the village where I live the gp surgery near me doesn't do those tests I'd have to go to A&E and that's like an all day wait ,and I don't have a car 😩xx
Well I would personally stop testing, when I went to A&E with worry. (I had arm pain) they referred me to gynaecology and I told them I’m concerned because my test had also gotten lighter and she said stop testing and stop using the line darkness as progression. Anytninf can make your tests lighter.
Try a clear blue weeks indicator? That will give you a good idea of what’s going on as their hcg tolerance is much higher x
Yes looks much better, thing is with strip tests they can be so dodgy and it takes one to make you worried I would take this as a win ☺️ stop testing lol🤣
Could be the hook effect, the way to tell is to dilute the urine slightly and retest xx