Community Posts, Tips & Support on Pregnancy Tests

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Pregnancy Tests.

Strep B

Hi, has anyone else tested positive for strep B in pregnancy? I just tested positive via a urine test at 20 weeks have to take antibiotics for a week. I’m a bit worried about the baby as I’m at risk of preterm labour already after my first birth (had an emergency c-section where they cut my cervix by accident) Thanks


Negative tests

Wondering if anyone has had this experience. I am usually quite regular but have been on the pill for a couple of years up until July/august. I have no period signs at all, I’m 1 day late but a pregnancy test is negative two days ago. I’m probably getting myself at it but it just feels different. Used the numark ear...


Am I out this month?

Approx 11DPO, negative pregnancy test today. Am I out? 😭


This is negative isn’t it??

Driving myself mad. :(


Help!!! I can’t tell if these are evap. lines or early positives!!!

These are two different tests taken on the same day. I have the Paragard copper IUD, and I noticed I haven’t had my period for 1-2 months. So I decided to check. Now I’m freaking the fuck out 😣


Help!! Freaking out because I can’t tell if these are positives or evap. lines.

These are two different tests taken on the same day. I have the Paragard copper IUD, and I noticed I haven’t had my period for 1-2 months. So I decided to check. Now I’m freaking the fuck out 😣



Are the easy@home tests good for line progression? Took one this morning that looks maybe a little lighter than yesterdays but my clear blue one is darker


What does this mean!?

So there's a line but it's thin and half way up!? This was also checked on about an hour later as I fell asleep! I'm guessing it's just a problem with the test?


Pregnant or not?

I will start off by saying I have PCOS. I haven’t had a period since October. My cycles have been pretty regular all year long. I use the app Flo which is pretty good at predicting when my period will start. I was supposed to get it at the end of November. So according to the app, I am 2-3 weeks late. I am experie...


Is this a positive LH test?

Premom is saying 0.94


14DPO faint positive

Omg omg I’ve cried so much. I’ve been doing tests for about 10 days and had my first positive with this clear blue! I’ve also done strip tests along side but all still negative! I’m very very early but omg does anyone else see it!! Also most strip tests only pick up 25hcg where as this clear blue test picks up fro...


Positive vibes

Please send me some prayers and positive vibes. I had a miscarriage/d &c in August. Found out I was pregnant on Friday and my test are getting darker. I have a good feeling but you never know. No symptoms really yet. They usually don’t start til week 6 for me. 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻


Evap or faint line?

10dpo today. line showed up almost straight away. Used FMU 🤷🏼‍♀️



No period this morning but also negative pregnancy test :( should I leave it longer ?


7 days late and pretty sure I’m seeing things considering I have an IUD

Do you see anything? Is this an indent line? My other tests prior from today were very negative not an indent line in sight.


15 DPO

14/15 DPO, still haven’t started my period. Pregnancy tests have been negative. Is there still a chance I could be pregnant or would my tests of been positive at this point?


Chemical? False positive?

Had this faint positive two days ago but tests today look negative :/ does this mean it was a false positive? Or could I be having a chemical? Still no sign of AF and bbt is still above the cover line. I’m also not experiencing any pain or cramping like I did with my chemical in May.


Period after MC?

How long did it take for your period to come back? On the day of my miscarriage, my levels were quite low. I was testing negative a week later. It’s been around four weeks since the MC and no sign yet of a period.



I’m 10 days late for my period, I had accidental unprotected sex on the 24th November and took the morning after pill on the 25th November but I’m wondering if if actually worked or not🥴I have a 5 month old baby and not ready for the second just yet! Has anyone else been in the same situation? Going to buy a test…


Evap? Or positive?

I looked around 2 mins and didn’t see anything. 15 minutes this… evap? 👀😫


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