Community Posts, Tips & Support on Pregnancy Tests

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Pregnancy Tests.

Evaporation line or faint positive?

I am 9 days PO, and not sure if this is just an evap line? What do you think?


Confused 😵‍💫

Ok so, I have PCOS and admitted to myself I will never carry a baby after 4 years ttc, Thursday I had a positive test and was sooo excited however this is my issue: 1. My last cycle started on 28th Dec and ended 3rd Jan, so that would put me at 6 weeks? But clear blue said 1-2 weeks. 2. Did anyone else never believ...


Negative or VVVFL?

So the bottom test was from last night before bed, and the top would be from this morning FMU all taken within frame. The bottom was for sure negative no room for guessing, so I wanted to take another this morning to be sure. I see a faint line I think?? But I have no idea the timing of these because I’m breastfeedi...


Faint or evap?

I’m like 95% sure this was in the time window, but I can’t tell if it’s faint or an evap? Please help lol I’m 6 days late on my period and have many more symptoms. Took a test at about 4:30pm yesterday that was negative, so I’m not sure


Pregnant but negative CB

So I'm around 4 weeks I've had 7 positive pregnancy tests and I've done 3 digitals and there all saying not pregnant ... I'm so confused more pictures in comments x


11-13dpo 🤞🏻

Could this be it?!🥹 Had a negative digital 2 days ago & husband doesn’t want to get his hopes up but I really feel like this is it 🙏



I took this test yesterday afternoon and this line came up within the time frame. Everyone I’ve asked has said it’s positive. I’m due on tomorrow! I took a digital this morning and it came back not pregnant. I’m really confused and desperate to find out what the result is. Should I wait a couple more days?


Is it finally positive.

We've been ttc since my miscarriage. It's been 2 years and some change since I've been pregnant I had almost given up. Hubby says that's it's just 1 line but I have line eyes so badly that I see lines where there aren't any at all. I'm really hoping that I can finally say we have our rainbow baby.


Need help with date!

So, I took a pregnancy test on monday and it was negative. I've taken 4 tests yesterday and today and they are all positive. I had a miscarriage in December and not had a period since so im really struggling to work out how many weeks I could be. Am I being stupid. Can anyone help? Xxx


Easy at home pregnancy test

Is anyone else getting faint lines on every easy at home test? I’ve taken 3 and they have all had faint line but the line doesn’t seem to be getting darker?


TTC Advice Needed

Hi! I recently started TTC after being on oral birth control for roughly 12 years. My periods started again 5 months ago after stopping the birth control. They had been very regular (to the day) up until last month. I've also been tracking ovulation via the urine test strips and according to them, have been ovulatin...



My HCG was 202 on Wednesday and today it was 453. I know that is an increase and just over double but I can’t help think it’s still on the low side. When I had my first child, my levels started higher and obviously then were higher after 48 hours. Also a friend who started on 232 shot up to over 1000 in 48 hours s...



Can someone please tell me if they see a very faint line because I can and my partner doesn’t believe me 😭 Iv suffered 8 miscarriages in total, I can catch on easily but it’s keeping the pregnancy till 12 weeks that’s hard for me, I only have a 20% chance of carrying a successful pregnancy, iv got my beautiful…


10 dpo

Taken after test dried, evap or early positive?


Can u get a positive at 8dpo??

I swear I can see a faint line on my easy at home pregnancy test. It appeared within the timeframe. However it’s SOOOOOOOO FAINT that. I squint my eyes to see it. Ahhh Am only 8 dpo, not sure if this is real or I have line eyes


Is this positive?

I’m currently 1 day late, will do another test in morning but what does this look like to you?


Does this look like my hcg is going down

First test Sunday this test today 5 days. Today test in comments. Past large clots on Sunday too. I’m quite anxious about retained tissue so wanting to make sure my test is looking good in terms of getting lighter


What's wrong

So I've just found out I'm pregnant all the tests are coming g back positive but I did a digital again this morning and it was negative


Am I out?

Tested today 8dp5dt and still negative 😞 feeling so low, really got my hopes up as I had SO many symptoms I’ve never had before


Positive or evaporation line?

I'm not sure whether to take this as a positive test or not it was from last night and then this morning negative. The positive was a little darker last night but still faint


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