Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Pregnancy Tests.
First test Sunday this test today 5 days. Today test in comments. Past large clots on Sunday too. I’m quite anxious about retained tissue so wanting to make sure my test is looking good in terms of getting lighter
So I've just found out I'm pregnant all the tests are coming g back positive but I did a digital again this morning and it was negative
Tested today 8dp5dt and still negative 😞 feeling so low, really got my hopes up as I had SO many symptoms I’ve never had before
I'm not sure whether to take this as a positive test or not it was from last night and then this morning negative. The positive was a little darker last night but still faint
I took a pregnancy test on Tuesday, it was negative. But I’m having symptoms that are identical to my last pregnancy. Nausea, diahhrea , stuffed nose, extreme exhaustion, mood swings etc. my period is 5 days late. What is the possibility of the test being wrong?
Anyone else had this?
I always thought evaporation lines don’t have colour. This was taken out with the time frame. Picture taken at 10 mins tests say discard after 5. Picture in comments is at the 4 minute mark. I felt there was a faint line on the initial test at 4 mins went back and saw this. It has colour which is confusing any thoug...
What’s going on here need peoples opinions. Same wee. 3 negative but one positive. The positive was the first test I done
Don’t a test earlier period is due tomorrow, forgot about it for about 50 minutes. Went back and it looked positive?
So I've taken 2 tests the boots ones and they have both come back what I presume positive af is due tomorrow I did a clear blue digital but was saying not pregnant ... do they look positive?
I’m 10DPO today, (I know this is still very early) I got what I thought was a vvvvfl yesterday. Tested a couple of times since and they are all very faint but I can’t tell if it’s a genuine positive or I’ve got a dodgy batch and it’s actually an indent. Stressing me out! What do you think (pic below)
Hi guys, i need some advice. I tested positive on 1st feb, so I was 3weeks and 1 day. I know baby reaches the uterus at week 4, which is tomorrow for me. I have done many tests with different brands (CB/premom/generic supermarket ones), they are all positive. I have had a bit of implantation bleeding in between thes...
This is just a dye run, right? I’m confused since it seems to have run from the positive/vertical line.
Hi ladies! I’m currently 3 days late for my period and took this test yesterday. It was a 1 min rapid detection. I waited a couple of mins and it was negative and then shoved it in a draw! Came back about an hour later and there is half a line? Evap line is most likely but still no sign of my period. With my little ...
I tested positive for pregnancy on Friday and, and retested Monday. I just took another test and it barely shows the line. 😔 does this mean anything? Should I be worried? I’m so stressed since I miscarried in November.
What are the chances that this could be positive? I thought I saw a little line so I kept it and I checked the next day and it was noticeably darker. I haven’t gotten my period and my app says I was supposed to start it a couple days ago. (This is the progression)
So this may be a little long so bear with me…. I found out I was pregnant dec 5th which would make since because my last period was November 5th BUT my obgyn is dating me 14 weeks SO I would have had to conceive around the 28th of October. Which doesn’t make since. I had a period in November AND I have a negative p...
Has anyone ever used the Asda cheap branded pregnancy tests?? 2 ina pack for £3.50?! Just used one and the quickest positive was shown - however reading reviews it does it a lot!! Think I need to purchase expensive one tomorrow morning lol
I stupidly tested 2 days post FET and got a negative. Surely there’s still a chance I could be pregnant right? And I’ve just tested way too early.
Is 10DPO too early to test positive?