Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Pregnancy Tests.
Oh my god girls I did a rapid 1 minute result clear blue pregnancy test earlier because I’ve been having cramp and back pain but it was negative after a few minutes so I just forgot about it. I’m breast feeding and had no periods since giving birth. I’ve just this second went into the bathroom and there’s a positive...
I am in shock all of these tests are from today. One pregnancy test with first pee and the other HCG and LH was noon. I just can't believe it
2 days ago I took a pregnancy test and it was negative I used my first morning pee to make sure I got the most accurate results. I had 3 others confirmed it was negative. Today I took another test cuz still no period and it was clear as day positive. I am terrified cuz idk what my husband is thinking and we have a 1...
Is anyone having a slow positive test progression? I’m worried mine is not getting darker enough since I got my faint positive.
Is this test invalid as the line is going vertical?
Hi guys. This pretty much came up straight away after I did the test and waited 3 minutes like it said x
Not sure if I see a faint line on the left or not?
Does anyone else see a line? My husband thinks I’m crazy for seeing one 🤣
Has anyone missed a period, had negative tests and been okay? I’m a week late and tested until 4 days late all negative so assuming I’m not pregnant but I’m stressing thinking why has my period not arrived? Am I in perimenopause? Do I have thyroid issues? Is it something bad?… proper screwing my mind rn was wonder...
So I got a positive test about 3 month ago then negative ever since. Last couple of days my belly is full on moving, not just flutters but I could actually see my belly moving. Could it be a possibility of being pregnant?
Can anyone tell me if this is a evap line or a positive
I’m so tired of this process now🥲
Hey…. I took a clear blue digital last week and noticed the other day the screen had gone blank I then took one yesterday and looked tonight and it’s gone blank again Am I being super thick in thinking is there something wrong as to why it’s gone blank Photo to show it was working and gave me my answer
I’m not sure of dpo because I'm postpartum with no period. Tested due to symptoms and think this is 6 or 7 days after conception. Pic taken within the timeframe. Does anyone think this is positive? This is a cheap test I've never used before so maybe it’s an evap line.
I am 9 days PO, and not sure if this is just an evap line? What do you think?
So the bottom test was from last night before bed, and the top would be from this morning FMU all taken within frame. The bottom was for sure negative no room for guessing, so I wanted to take another this morning to be sure. I see a faint line I think?? But I have no idea the timing of these because I’m breastfeedi...
I’m like 95% sure this was in the time window, but I can’t tell if it’s faint or an evap? Please help lol I’m 6 days late on my period and have many more symptoms. Took a test at about 4:30pm yesterday that was negative, so I’m not sure
So I'm around 4 weeks I've had 7 positive pregnancy tests and I've done 3 digitals and there all saying not pregnant ... I'm so confused more pictures in comments x
Could this be it?!🥹 Had a negative digital 2 days ago & husband doesn’t want to get his hopes up but I really feel like this is it 🙏
I took this test yesterday afternoon and this line came up within the time frame. Everyone I’ve asked has said it’s positive. I’m due on tomorrow! I took a digital this morning and it came back not pregnant. I’m really confused and desperate to find out what the result is. Should I wait a couple more days?