Community Posts, Tips & Support on Pregnancy Tests

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Pregnancy Tests.

Help! (TW pregnancy loss)

Hi all, Wondering if anyone could help or had any experience with a chemical pregnancy. I got a very faint positive last week on 8dpo, it kept getting darker up until 13dpo, where it went lighter. On Monday, 14dpo (due to start my period) the line was pretty much non existent so I’m guessing I have had a chemical ...



I took a dollar tree pregnancy test no thinking much of it early in the morning and I saw a faint line. My husband does not see the line I see. Later that day I went for more test of different kinds and those all came back negative. I waited for the next morning to test again and those are also negative. Has this ev...


I see something.

Was feeling nauseous at work so I took test when I got home. But didn’t realize it’s way early. Not getting hopes up but I see faint line.


Positive or negative?

I have such bad line eyes 🥲



I’m 9dpo and have just had these positive tests. I keep hearing stories about indent lines or false positives so I’m not sure now since they’re so faint


Group B Strep positive

Anyone else come back as positive for group b strep? My doctor made it seem like no big deal but I’m a little worried…


BFP / Neg LH

Has anyone tested positive but had a negative LH? I’m stressing as everyone seems to say if you’re pregnant you’ll get a pos LH test, but all of mine are negative?


LH and hcg

Can you test LH and hcg in same pot of urine ? Heard from some can give faint positive x


Urine test results?

37 weeks pregnant and for the second time in as many weeks my midwife asked if there was any signs of urine infection and sent sample away. Nobody contacted me about my results even though it states 'abnormal - contact patient' so none of this has been explained to me and I'm stressing after goggling that it's an in...


False Positive

I had a faint like on a pregnancy test.. and now my period is here!? Wtf was that all about?


Negative or still chance?

I know it is a very clear negative but when I looked at it, it didn't look negative with no potential to be a positive later with another test. I don't know. I'm due for my period this week but all of my apps say different days so I never know. They usually line up 2 weeks after ovulation but I've had spotting and t...


Early test positive?

Does this look positive? Could someone please let me know what they think. Do you see 2 lines?



Am I being insane or is there the faintest of lines? Not due on for another 2 days and wish I just waited to test now.


Pregnancy test 10 days before period

Would an ultra early pregnancy test work at 10 days before period ? It says 6 days early on the box but I could stop myself to not do one 10 days early and is negative. Do you think it could’ve missed it because is too early?


Anyone else having a hard time believing it?

I’ve taken tests every morning since about 8DPO (currently about 13/14) and every one has been positive and they are all getting darker but I’m still filled with anxiety. I think it’s from having a chemical a couple of months ago where I had a few positives then nothing, just praying this one sticks! Have already bo...


Pregnant, now what?

Hey all I got more positive pregnancy tests this morning. I have no idea what I have to do next? Any advice on what to do next?


Testing before OTD

Hi all It’s day 5 post FET and I’ve caved and tested. Sadly it’s negative Realistically would you think I’m out of the game? If not does anyone have any success stories of them testing negative day 5 and getting a positive? 5th transfer and I’m so tired and scared this will never happen for me 😢 Thanks You xx


Conceived July 26th

I tested positive tonight :)


Implantation bleeding

This morning I experienced what I’m assuming is implantation bleeding. One episode of light brown spotting. If I took a test tomorrow would that be too soon or is there a chance it would be positive? I had cramping yesterday so I think maybe it started yesterday and just bleeding today? Idk how it all works lol


Do Evaps show inverted like this?

In person this definitely looks like an evaporation line, which is exactly what I would expect considering I’m 6 months pp and exclusively nursing on demand 25/8 and didn’t get a cycle back until 15 or 16 months pp after our first and didn’t come back to read this test until way after the testing timeframe. BUT, i...


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