Community Posts, Tips & Support on Pregnancy Tests

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Pregnancy Tests.

Implantation bleeding

This morning I experienced what I’m assuming is implantation bleeding. One episode of light brown spotting. If I took a test tomorrow would that be too soon or is there a chance it would be positive? I had cramping yesterday so I think maybe it started yesterday and just bleeding today? Idk how it all works lol


Do Evaps show inverted like this?

In person this definitely looks like an evaporation line, which is exactly what I would expect considering I’m 6 months pp and exclusively nursing on demand 25/8 and didn’t get a cycle back until 15 or 16 months pp after our first and didn’t come back to read this test until way after the testing timeframe. BUT, i...


I’m 4+5, when do you self refer?

Hi I found out 5 days ago I was pregnant, wasn’t sure if I believed it so tested again yesterday and the line is 100% darker! So I now don’t know if I self refer now? Or wait till I’m like 5 weeks or something? Please advise Thanks


Cryptic pregnancy or false positive?

Don’t even know where to start, haven’t had a period since the start of February we were trying to conceive so gutted when it arrived (late) but anyway continued ttc my next period didn’t arrive but I can be irregular so again waited bit longer I just assumed it was stress delaying it as it was really stressful time...


So confused. Positive pregnancy test but light bleeding

Hey guys so I’m lost got home from work took a test just because. I lost faith I was pregnant due to seeing a little faint pink tinge to my wee or when I wiped but I’ve just had a positive HCG test? But wiped again and little more bleeding? So lost


Pregnancy Test

Hi So we have been trying for baby #2. My period came on last week but it was a weird period. I had spotting two days before it and spotting after it too which is unusual for me. The last few days I've been getting cramps (as well as the spotting) and thought, may as well do a test. It's an extremely faint positive ...


False positive pregnancy?

My period returned for one cycle a few months ago and then disappeared again. We thought maybe it was stress and just the body getting back to its regular rhythm. I haven't felt any pregnancy symptoms otherwise as I did with my first which I knew instantly. I took some tests and they all say positive. Still wonderin...


Confused. Positive or negative?

I’ve been getting positives off the blue dye and 2 positive off red dye but no longer positive off red dye only blue dye and it shows up instantly. I’m now 4 days late and don’t know what to think



Anyone know what’s going on? Yesterday afternoon I took this test and it had a clear pink positive line. When I took a test this morning it looked like this. I feel so sad and defeated. Anyone have advice?



So I am probably 5/6 DPO and suppose to start my period this Friday and I have taken test this morning that say 6 days before missed period and they both were negative. Am I out this cycle or do you think there is still hope? Feeling pretty discouraged this morning 😞



Just had my first blood test back. It was 767 at 4+3. Does this sound promising? Having second round of bloods taken today at 5 weeks but won't know for a few days. Very nervous after a miscarriage two months ago!


Pregnant or not?

Two negatives first response this morning and now two positive first responses at night … I’m so confused! Help a girl out I wanna be excited but I’m confused



Hi girls, just curious as ive done a clearblue digital today and its said positive, but then ive done another one an hour later and its said negative and i dont know what to do with that. Which one do i go off? Ive had two miscarriages this year already so my emotions are everywhere x


Anyone’s first positive test look like this??

So this is my first positive pregnancy test, I’m unsure how many dpo I am as this is the on cycle I decided to not track ovulation with tests or temperature of course. From my period apps it’s estimating 8-10 dpo. I took it at like 7ish am this morning when I first woke up. Does this look normal for what DPO I possi...


Brand questions

Hello all! Yesterday and today I’ve gotten faint faint positives on first response. I was afraid that it was an indent each time so I got more brands and Walmart cheapies were faint positive but clear blue red dye was negative. Does this make sense to anyone?


Line eyes?

I took this test last night and the pink line was faint but showed up in the time frame. The photo is of it today. I took others and they’re negative. I must add I’ve never been pregnant or ever had a “positive” ever! I have been using pregmate for awhile also so I’m a little confused.


Line eyes help!!!

I just took a first response test and I think it’s positive! I’ve never been pregnant before/never had a positive test! The line popped up during the time window! It has a pink tinge to the line so I feel like it’s positive (hard to tell in pictures)


TTC - negative pregnancy tests

Just wondering if anyone has been pregnant but got negative tests? We are ttc and my period was due a week ago. Usually in the run up to a period I get really sore boobs but that never happened this time. I've had no bleeding at all, but have had bouts of nausea, backache, some cramps and a headache over the last fe...


Breastfeeding with no period& having pregnancy symptoms

I’ve been breastfeeding my son now for 14 months. I stopped pumping 2 months ago as he is drinking whole milk as daycare now but still nurses when he wants while we are home and out. I haven’t had a period in 2 years Last week I started getting lightheaded and having light cramps, breast feel heavy and my nipples a...


Are these lines fine? Or indents?

These 2 test are 2 of 3 that have shown a line on them. I did test with the test strips I got off Amazon but they show nothing and idk if they are duds bc the regular test I’ve take all show the positive within less than a minute. The top one I took this morning and the bottom two I took at 8pm I was drinking so the...


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