Community Posts, Tips & Support on Pregnancy Tests

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Pregnancy Tests.

Are these lines fine? Or indents?

These 2 test are 2 of 3 that have shown a line on them. I did test with the test strips I got off Amazon but they show nothing and idk if they are duds bc the regular test I’ve take all show the positive within less than a minute. The top one I took this morning and the bottom two I took at 8pm I was drinking so the...


period is 28 days late..

i’m 7 months postpartum, my first 2 periods were normal but then the one after that was 10 days late. now i’m 28 days late. i did a couple pregnancy tests and they were negative. i will be taking another one tomorrow. did anyone else have this?


false positive?

i had a baby 7 weeks ago can someone please tell me if this looks like a false positive or not



So I took this today and a faint pink line showed up well within the timeframe. took a different test and negative. I took this photo maybe a hour later and the pink line faded a bit but still there. I’m assuming it’s an indent or faulty.


Heelllppp so confused

Okay, so I know these tests are all veryyyyy faint but read til the end pls 🙏🏻.. we had sex and the condom failed, so I took a plan b, but I had already ovulated. I definitely got pregnant, had faint positives, but then started to bleed. Bleeding was moderate and lasted two days, thought it was for sure a chemical,…


Advice needed

These are all the last 2 days , Do these lines look positive .



I’m absolutely shitting myself but excited at the same time, if this test is definitely a positive and not a false positive (which I have know idea what would cause a false pos 🤷🏼‍♀️) after 16days of unprotected sex but pulled out. Yes I know you can still get pregnant cause of the no helmet protection lol but I…



Has anyone not gotten a positive pregnancy test at 3 weeks but end up getting a positive test later on??



In march I suffered a miscarriage and an ectopic, I was pregnant with twins and one was in my womb one wasn’t which caused me to miscarry. I ended up having methotrexate. This is the second cycle of trying again. I’ve taken this test as I’ve had a few symptoms I had in march. They are FMU and from the same pot howev...


Clear Blue Digital

I took a clear blue test this morning and it said not pregnant. I’m currently 11 days late for my period and I’ve been having symptoms. I was told that if you open the digital test it will sometimes not detect a faint line which this test had. Should I wait a few more days and test again? Could I be pregnant?


Is this a strong line or would you think it's early one?

I took a pregnancy test 4 days ago at like 11pm and it was clearblue. It showed a strong pregnancy line. I went to the doctors yesterday and it was a faint line in this type of test baring in mind I drank a bottle of water before I done my urine sample. I took this first thing this morning and it's darker again. The...


Pregnancy test turned positive later?

TTC number 2 here! Tested this morning, was definitely negative/one line. Today I left the test on the side for a bit and still negative so popped it in the bin. Later on I’ve gone to put something else in the bin and I can see the faintest line?! But it’s probably been in the bin for half an hour so over the time t...


Evap line or positive?

12 months pp and have only had 2 periods since (came at 10 months due to breastfeeding). Still breastfeeding so I am aware they can be a bit unpredictable but did this test this morning and this is how it’s looking. They’re just cheap ones so I don’t know if it’s just faulty. I am 3 days late based on what my cycles...


It’s a long one but please read :)

Hey guys! I’m sure some of you have read some of my posts but if you haven’t here is my story: 6/6 I had a D&E for a 16 week loss. 6/25 started birth control, lasted 3 weeks with a period in the middle 7/18 stopped birth control, ovulation tested every day 8/1 for sure thought I was pregnant because my ovulation tes...



I feel so stupid! Felt all the symptoms, another Neg test at 9DPO. Starting to think I was imagining them! 😭😭


12 dpo & still negative

Still negative on clear blue early detection despite aaaallllll the symptoms! Do we think that’s definitely it now?


Just tested

Hi everyone just tested this morning and had two positives 1 on a digital 2-3weeks. I am in shock as we never planned a 3rd baby. Not sure how i’m feeling to be honest. Need a few days to let it sink in. Congratulations to everyone in this group, wish i felt all of your excitement though 😢


So not ready to be pregnant again

Okay here's my situation. I'm 4mo pp and my husband and I have been so careful except for ONE time (and yes I know it only takes once 😑) And I don't thiiiink this is positive but I need more eyes b/c I'm freaking a little. The top one is a test I took earlier today and I was sure it was negative at the time but…


5 days late, 18dpo

Still negative tests. Sore boobs, random cramps and pelvic and back pain. My period has never been late before so this is so weird


Is this line too weak?

I had pregnancy confirmed from the clinic and a strong line when I tested on Monday. I tested again because I was anxious and the line seems weaker. Any thought? Thank u!


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