Am I pregnant
Hey Mamas! I have been take pregnancy test for 3 days now because I am so confused! Before I even begin I do have an appointment scheduled this week to confirm or deny pregnancy… okay now that I’ve said that I have been overly emotional for about a week now. I had what I think is my period on February 12th and it ended on the 15th which isn’t normal for me because my period is typically 5 days. I didn’t think anything of it at the time but my mother told me that was a bit alarming being as though my periods are always the same. So I took a test last week and a line appeared as soon as I dipped the test but it went away so I just looked at it as a negative. Fast forward to Saturday I started craving ranch lol & I ABSOLUTELY HATE RANCH but once I got it I liked it so I started questioning if I could be pregnant. I took a test and I saw a faint line then I took 2 more of the same exact brand and I saw another faint line of those as well. Today I took a first response and it’s negative! I’m so frustrated and I feel like I’m going crazy! I attached a picture of the test do you all see anything or am I crazy?
I see a faint line in the top two, and none at all on the bottom ones :/