Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Trying to Conceive.
Hello! I’m recently diagnosed endometriosis/ adenomyosis. I had a laparoscopy in December which removed the endo and now looking to TTC again. Looking for any positive stories as I’m super anxious- been TTC baby #2 for over a year 😩
Currently on amoxicillin and unsure whether or not to wait...
Hello Moms! If youre in your mid 30s and up and had a miscarriage... how long did you wait to TTC and how long did it take for miracle rainbow baby? (Was there any medical issues during or anything taken to help boost your chances)
Any recommendations on birthing balls? I looked at a few on amazon but the reviews weren't good, i.e. bursting or not being true to size
What are/was your main driver for starting to conceive another child?
Has anyone else passed 36 weeks and hasn’t started producing colostrum yet? I’m 38 weeks today and still waiting for a sign that I’m ready to harvest but nope nothing yet🙃
TMI but does anyone else feel like they’ve pissed themselves all day everyday? 😂
I’m 2dpo can’t wait for these two weeks to come! 🤍 anyone else at 2dpo?
I am trying to convince with my husband on making another baby….. What suggestions
Hello I am 38+2 with baby number 2 any tips on how to naturally start bringing on labour? I went a week over with my first and the thought of being pregnant for another 3 weeks gives me the fear😅 I am so ready for baby to make an appearance hahah but I know baby will come when they are ready- I have been told I…
Have you ever been with a man who has ED?
Hi Mommas. I'm wondering if anyone has struggled trying to get pregnant after there second baby? I have being want to have another one and we have been trying but I am starting to feel discouraged 🥺 I need some advice
When did you feel ready for baby number 2? Ive always really wanted to have more than one baby all being well I’m lucky enough, but sadly I’ve not taken to motherhood at all so now wonder how on earth baby number 2 would ever come into my brain space. Issue is my age. I’m only 36 but at the same time it’s not ex...
HELLOOOO BEAUTIES! i hope youre all enjoying the Christmas break! I had a question for the 31+ ladies who started TTC. How long did it take you and if you have another... how long did you wait to try again and duration? (Please state age for each) 💕
Hey y’all, I’m 26 and have been TTC for 8 months. My cycle is 8 days late and so far all BFNs. My cycles usually are 31-33 days. Had some spotting 13 DPO (or DPO according to my flow app, may of ovulated late but I don’t use OPKs/BBT) what are the odds I could be? I am going for blood work the 26th, but I’m just won...
Please don’t be mean about other parents choices to use this method.
My fiancé and I have been ttc since July, though we’ve been having unprotected sex since my daughter was born in February 2023 lol. If this cycle is unsuccessful, I really need to reconsider my next steps because I’ve been struggling with body dysphoria for decades. I’ve been working out for two months, eating heal...
Hi mums! I'm 36 with a 3 month old and I'm so keen for her to have siblings. I would love 3 or more kids but I know I'm not young. Always wanted a large family but past relationships didn't work out and I met my lovely husband in my 30s. He loves the idea of a large family too. Has anyone here tried for a baby wit...
Who else have pcos - Polycystic ovary syndrome , cryptic pregnancy ? I need to know and some type of stories cause I’ve that tooo .