Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Trying to Conceive.
Hi Ladies Hope you’re all doing well. So I’ve been trying to conceive for a year and am just not getting anywhere. I’ve never had a positive test. Been tracking ovulation and have had blood tests from the doctors, which have confirmed I’m ovulating. I also was diagnosed with endometriosis in 2019, but was told that...
My bub is 14 months and I'm thinking of trying for #2 but in 2 minds about it. Give me the honest truth!
I got the faint line 9dpo and again today 10dpo and somehow im so nervous, im a single mum to a 14 month old whos a donor baby and this will be my 2nd donor baby and im scared that im not guna manage or its a bad decision but i always wanted 2 and i didnt want my LG to be an only child, i guess its scary cos its rea...
Hello I'm hoping to connect with a few future moms who are wanting to plan for parenthood. For context I'm not pregnant or trying, and would be great to connect with a few ladies who are in a similiar space but can of course be further ahead in the process :) As a first time mom I want to share budgeting template...
Beta came back 1991. Worried as had previous mmc ( lower levels of hcg) no more betas. Work out as 5 weeks pregnant. Can't shift the anxiety
How soon after your toddler was “looking” for a sibling did you find out you were pregnant? My 8m old has just started looking between her legs. We aren’t actively trying to conceive another. But we aren’t opposed to one either.
I just came across this petition to the Scottish government to expand childcare funding for under 3s like they have in England… please can everyone sign and share so this can be discussed in parliament https://petitions.parliament.scot/petitions/PE2111?fbclid=IwZXh0bgNhZW0CMTEAAR31U5IHcK1DlCMnL0hQqLwF9zBUFrKiVRpv7...
Who's 10 dpo?? I've tested and negative which is fine cos I didn't show positive until 12/13 days. App says to take a pregnancy test on Friday so will be doing that first thing!! Fingers crossed. Miscarried in Dec 2023 and it'll be a year soon... Just want my baby we've been TTC for 9 years Symptoms Higher sex dr...
My LO is a month and a half old and I want another baby. I know I can’t have one rn bc we aren’t financially able to but I want another baby so bad it’s not even funny.
Hii! I’ve been ttc baby #2 since May & I’m feeling extremely defeated.. my friend just told me about mucinex so I did some digging (as in tiktok lol) and I was wondering if anybody has tried it and it worked or know of anybody?
Wish me luck ladies!
I’m currently 39w1d, I’ve been trying everything to get myself to go into labour (I know that there isn’t really anything that is proven) but I feel like everyone’s having their babies 😭. I’m so so so ready to meet my boy. I’ve been harvesting colostrum, walking, kerb walking, pineapple juice, raspberry leaf tea,…
I can’t believe it’s here finally! These past two weeks have dragged but now….its happening tomorrow. Any advice? I know it’s just peeing on a stick, but any baby dust or wise words would be welcome x
How long did you wait to introduce your partner to your baby?
Anyone with pcos can you please share your conceiving story
Never gonna have kids bc of what lever is going on with my body bleeding twice in one month and it’s definitely not light and ugh I’m just so over this shit 😒😒😒😒😒😒
Hi ladies, so I'm going incognito, because I have a husband but he has never given me the satisfaction that my ex-girlfriend gave me. He is a great man, a great dad, but I feel like a bad wife because he's just not interested, and my sex drive is soooo high!! Also, i have spoken to him about this before. But I reall...
My two week wait is over for this month…AF arrived this evening…we will try again next month😔 Can anyone give me any tips on TTC as we are trying for baby #2🤷🏻♀️
Been ttc my second for over a year, just doesn’t seem like it’s ever going to happen.
So so so disappointed. Really thought this was my cycle. Onto month 7 of TTC