Not the only one. I have twin boys who think it's okay too bite and throw toys at each other
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It's not a good look when you go too the shop and your eldest twin has bites and bruises from his brother.. scared for my newborn aha
I am in the same boat😔😔😔
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It’s terrible! And I feel like such a bad mum when I lose my temper with her but some days she just pushes and pushes. I know that it’s not her fault and she doesn’t know how to express herself properly but some days it just gets the better of me 😞
Your not the only one Hun. I suffer from anxiety and depression and been hit hard with PND having a 3 weeks old baby and 23 month old twins
I hear you. I have questioned my ability as a parent a lot in the past couple of weeks.
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Oh so have I! But my 4 and a half month old is happy so I think I’m doing okay at parenting 😂
Well that is a good sign 😊
Yeah I think the terrible twos is a real thing unfortunately 😕
My child has turned. Overnight. 😂😂😂😂
My boy just turned 2 and I'm fearful for what this year will bring. He's a sweet boy mostly but when he's not wow watch out. Tiredness is generally the major factor, as is being told 'No'..but sometimes he'll whinge 'at me', proceeding to get more and more aggitated and teary/obnoxious continuously until I have to remove myself completely. Not a tantrum, but similar His actual tantrums are quite scary as he tends to bang his head intentionally (thankfully i do see him realising it hurts n pray he stops). God help us all get through these trying years :)
I’m glad I’m not the only one but I’m sorry that your having to deal with that. My daughter is 100% into throwing things both at people and just in general out of frustration