
Do you think fathers should have say when breastfeeding should stop or reduce number of feeds for toddlers?
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I, personally, do not! I had this argument with my husband multiple times with each baby. Made me so mad. I was really wanting to nurse as long as baby wanted.. even if it was til two years,for example. He wanted me to stop at one year. I finally told him it’s mine and the baby’s decision… he doesn’t get a say. He wasn’t happy about it… but it’s so good for baby.. and momma!!

Hell to the no. Period.

So I guess it boils down to why is he trying to have a say I still don’t think that he has a say but if he’s trying to say like I want you to stop because I want to be able to feed my child maybe you should try to pump some so that he can create that connection

A lot of times there’s underlying things that men are trying to say that we could figure out what they really mean and if it’s really simple as he just wants you to stop Then I would wonder why it shouldn’t affect him and it’s not he say

Definitely he should not have a say!

That decision is yours and your baby’s only! It doesn’t mean we leave dads out of the picture, they can express their feelings and if you feel he has a point and want to reconsider your opinion, it’s up to you!

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