Epidural to or not to

I am going in to be induced on May the 21st, so literally 7 days y’all!! 💖 My Doctor has placed me an epidural on standby just in case I choose to have it, but I just wanted a little insight to moms who have had one or not had one and their thoughts! Thank you ❤️
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I had one and it was great! I felt almost nothing and actually enjoyed my delivery as much as you can enjoy giving birth😂

I had it never again it fuck my back up. I’m 15 months pp and still have back issues where it was placed

I took the epidural. I have a tough time dealing with cramps on my regular cycle without pain meds, so I knew giving birth naturally was out of the question. After I had the epidural I felt no pain. Had a 2nd degree tear and didn't feel a thing.

I had one. I wasn’t totally for or against it, just wanted to wait and see how I felt. Labor is PAINFUL. I gladly got one and it was so relieving. I do think there’s ways to get around it like breathing techniques, etc but I never really looked into that stuff.

I had an epidural, it helped immediately with the pain, however it made my whole body shake like crazy. I could barely talk cuz my teeth were chattering so much. The nurse said it was normal and was a common reaction to the epidural. I didn't know that was a thing before lol. Definitely look into all the possible side effects going into it, just so you're educated in case something like that happens! Good luck mama ❤

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Omg. I didn’t know that!! I was shaking like crazy and didn’t know it was bc of the epidural 😳

In my experience the epidural was amazing! Didn’t feel a thing! The only bad part was them placing it. After that it was smooth sailing!! Good luck! 😊

I had one and it was awesome

How is your pain tolerance? Labor hurts. Bad. I couldn’t take it anymore. I had contractions all night yelling and in so much pain. By 5 am I had to go. I couldn’t take it. I couldn’t even breath through the contractions. It’s very intense. I had to get the epidural. If I didn’t by the time I would have had the baby I would have been so exhausted I wouldn’t have been able to care for her. Just from my personal experience- I would get it ! lol!

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Wow that’s crazy! My water never broke on it’s own for my second (born feb) they had to break it after a while to speed it along. But if they would have sent me home when I got there that morning I would have flipped out on everyone! I was in SO much pain. And so tired from being woken up every few minutes all night from the pain being so bad. It’s exhausting. Even tho I was only 3 -4 cm dilated when I got there they said - ur in so much pain we’re just going to admit u. I was so happy because I needed that epidural. I really thought I wasn’t going to make it. The anesthesiologist was in the OR with another patient so I had to wait- but I was not happy about it. Lol

I went in not wanting an epidural at all. After my doctor broke my water she told me the contractions were going to get more intense, before she broke it they just felt like mild period cramps. I started having more intense contracts to the point my body was shaking and I was crying, so I caved and got an epidural. It helps with four contractions and then they were back to the shaking and crying pain. My labor was only two hours long with the bad contractions. But I felt absolutely nothing when I was pushing and was even laughing. The doctors said it worked completely opposite for me, but I wouldn’t have changed it. I have no complications whatsoever now. I’d just do research on the anesthesiologist that works at your hospital to see they’re ratings and determine if you’d want one or not.

i had one and it was amazing! anesthesiologist has to place it 3 different times, but i was so focused on the pain of the cramps i didn’t even feel the needle in my back. i had a 2nd degree tear and still enjoyed my birth!

I was induced with my first, and had an epidural. 100% necessary in my opinion if you’re being induced. You’re forcing your body to go into labor when it isn’t ready and it HURTS. Went into labor naturally with the second and decided to go without an epidural and it was amazing! Yes it still hurt but I coped and honestly would do it all over again.

Take it I went nearly two days of labor without and wish I took it sooner!!!!!! Best thing!!!

Thank you everyone for your comments, I am reading them all and considering each option thoroughly! I am really happy I’ve gotten so many responses so quickly! I think I am going to try my best to labor the first part on my own and then opt for it after that. I will update the post after I have the baby as well and let everyone know how it went. I also will continue to read all comments coming in. But thank you to everyone whose responded thus far I truly am feeling a little better about if I go either way with it without at this point where before I was truly more for not having one than I was having one

I had my baby at 40. I was open to having one if I needed it. By the time I got to the hospital I was already 7cm dialated. Since it was my first baby I had no concept of how painful it was going to get. The pain I was already feeling wasn't unbearable, just like bad cramps. I went ahead and decided to get it and regretted it. It didn't have a chance to kick in because my labor moved so fast so I pretty much had a semi natural birth! It wasn't bad at all for me at least and if I was to do it again, I would skip it. If you progress quickly you might not need it but if you're suffering through a very long labor, get it.

Natural ! The pain isn’t that bad and it’s safer

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Don't get one it'll mess with your back / spine area and you'll have back problems for the rest of your life

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This isn’t true for everyone. If the anesthesiologist is good, it will be fine. I had an epidural and it didn’t cause me any problems and still have no problems a year later. The biggest challenge is making sure you are completely still even if a contraction hits while you’re getting one. If you move while it’s being placed, then yes you’re likely to have issues and/or lasting effects.

I was terrified to get an epidural because the thought of not being able to get up scared the shit out of me. But honestly I am so glad I decided to get one. I got it early so was never in much pain. I could still move my feet which helped with not freaking out. It was so nice to just relax and enjoy my last few hours of just me and my man before back without spending it in miserable pain. Everyone is different but personally I didn’t care about getting the full experience and knowing what it felt like, I was more worried about keeping my anxiety down and my mind in the right place and it made my birthing experience amazing and so much easier. I did have a third degree tear which sucked but the recovery wasn’t as horrible as i expected. I say epidural 100%.

I had it with 2 of my babies and without on the other 2 because I didn't have time on them. Honestly, I feel like while I would've appreciated one each time, I felt like it did draw my labors out. They were still fairly quick labors (under 8 hours for epidural labors). My other ones were maybe 2 hours tops. But the nice thing about the labors without an epidural is that you can walk afterward and lift the baby. I also felt like recovery was better without the epidural. But right after, you're still trying to get over a baby exploding out of your cervix, and it hurts like hell. I probably sobbed for 20 minutes before I held the baby (right about when the pain meds kick in).

Not all of that above comment thread is accurate lol.....do whatever works for you mama ❤

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This is the best thing anyone can say I sec that

Try the midwives brew...it brings labor on naturally. As far as the epidural goes, it just depends. The last time I got it, completely worthless and the anesthesiologists hit a nerve and made my legs start twitching.

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Plus it slows down the labor process, I was doing fine. Was pressured into getting it, my labor slowed down drastically and my baby came out in distress. Not worth it

I had my contractions from 5 am til alittle after 6 pm and I was in so much pain I asked for the epidural. I felt amazing after! I relaxed and got back to focusing on the birth of my baby! I don’t think I would’ve been able to pop him out without it 😂 I also had 2nd degree tearing. My next baby I’m planning to tough it out a bit then get the epidural. They said if you get it right away it could slow down the labor process

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It slows down some of them but it helped speed mine up I was only in active labor 8 hours

Nice! I’m glad it helped you out 😊

I was induced and went in with an open mind! I didn’t want an epidural if I didn’t have to but I wasn’t ruling it out If I couldn’t take the pain. Once I started getting contractions they hurt like period cramps just x10 but you can handle them if you find a focus spot when having a contraction and push through it. I couldn’t find that focus spot and told the nurse and she gave me some IV pain meds before she decided for the epidural. That pain med she gave me helped so much and it made me sleepy but as I began to get chill and almost fall asleep my waters broke 20 mins after she gave it me and I had my baby an hour later! I went from a 5cm to a 9 within 20 mins and totally skipped getting an ep! So depends how you progress after being induced, definitely ask if they have an IV pain med to help before opting for the epidural.

Just to be on the opposite side of most of these Mumma's I was induced and ended up having an epidural for both of my children and it is literally what saved me from having C-section's. With my son I stalled at 3cm and with my daughter I stalled at 4cm. Both times it was recommended that I consider the epidural as my body was not relaxing enough to dilate. By the time I agreed I had been in labour for 24 hours with each of them. After getting the epidural my son was born 3 hours later and my daughter 2. I say try not to worry too much about what others think and go with what you need to on the day and take on the advice if your doctors and nursing team as needed. I always wanted to go natural and it didn't work out that way. At the end of the day I have two happy and healthy children who were both born healthy, I healed quickly (discharged 12 hours after giving birth with no pain meds the second time around) and I have no lingering side effects from it what so ever.

Loved it, highly recommend! 💕 but do what you feel is right for you and yours. Plenty women do it natural and it’s fine, plenty women get one and it’s fine. If you don’t handle pain well then it might be a good option. But you also can just have it on standby in case you need it. Best of both worlds. I still was not in much pain at 6cm but I wanted to make sure I got one before it was too late so I did. Had a great birthing experience! Good luck and congrats!

Do what works for you. I had an epidural with my daughter a year ago. My daughter came out just fine (not sedated and no breathing issues), I have no back or spine issues. I did not tear at all (and I delivered a 9lb 3oz baby!) I was also induced. I did not end up in a c-section and was able to push her out without any issues. I was in labor for about 9ish hours and I pushed for only 45 minutes. And I didn’t heal any less fast than those who don’t have epidurals. Heck, we went to the movies 3 days after our daughter was born and I was perfectly fine walking and such. Don’t let the above comments scare you. If you get one, the most important thing to remember is that you need to be completely still even if a contraction hits. If you move in even the slightest way, that will be enough to cause issues to you. I believe that’s why mine was such a success. Only you can decide if it’s right for you. I personally will plan to have one again whenever we choose to have another baby.

Epidural is the best thing during my pregnancy. I was in SO much pain from the contractions. All the moms out there... you guys know the pressure pain im talking about right? Lol. Honestly i was scared of it at first. Yes i was jelloed from waist down.. but the nurses are there to help with what you need. Plus i was able to get some sleep before baby arrived Excited to see pictures of your little one. Enjot the moment. Its worth every minute 🌹

I had an epidural, my contraction stopped at 4cm and wasnt dilating anymore, she got me the epidural 1st and it felt like a scratch and then u felt a weird sensation as the stuff was being injected, after 10 minutes it took effect and I was able to sleep through the contractions and the speed the drip worked because when I woke I was 9cm and i was being sick so they had to turn drip down as i was being over stimulated and the babies heart rate was dropping which wasnt cause if the epidural, I was able to feel enough i still knew to push and i could move my legs and so on, she arrived after an hour of pushing. Few hours later I was up walking about cuddling my baby so the epidural didn't have me bed bound, I was home the day after I had her and I'd get an epidural the next time coz I could enjoy the experience and focus on pushing her out and not focused on the pain

I had an epidural and it was AMAZING! I debated on getting a different drug to manage pain but my nurse said that a lot of time mommas try to skip the epidural and do whatever the other drug was but end up changing their mind and getting it so she recommended just getting it right away if I was on the fence because chances are I would want it later. I had absolutely no side effects from the epidural and neither did my baby. My husband also loved the epidural because I was a much more pleasant person after receiving it 😂 The epidural is the only reason I got any sleep that night and I 100% plan on getting another next time I have a baby. But ultimately just do what your body tells you to. Nobody knows your body like you do.

16 replies

I appreciate all the comments you have made but I feel you are not really being considerate of others comments being made to me and instead trying to push at them or tell them that what they are talking about isn’t correct? But you weren’t there and don’t know how things went for them. I really would appreciate if you let me hear from others from now on. Thank you!

I have been induced twice and had an epidural both times. Mine were both wonderful and I had great births. I did need an episitomy and the vacuum with my first, and I had a second degree tear with my second (she was 9.5 pounds). I personally would not want to give birth without one- I couldn't handle the pain. But everyone's experiences are different. It's probably best to be open to all options but not have your heart set on anything...see how you manage the pain knowing that option is available to you.

It depends I went in thinking I’ll go as long as I can without it. I went 24 hours into my induction (got cervidil first) and couldn’t do it anymore cause I was contracting all night and needed to sleep. Also epidural might or might not slow down your labor. If your really tense you can be slowing down your labor without intent the epidural can relax you and help you dilate quicker (which was my case)

10 replies

I didn’t think I needed the sleep either but after talking to my kid-wife and doctors it was recommended I get sleep because it was my first time. Plus I was super tense so I wasn’t dilating at all! Edit: also she wasn’t born in the morning but at 11:54pm the next day so I went over 24 hours in labor

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Do it because it helps so much

I was induced and ended up with a csection, so had to have an epidural for the operation.

I did not get an epidural. I was induced at 41 weeks with cervadil to ripen my cervix and my water broke a few hours later. They wanted to put me on pitocin shortly after but i wanted to avoid interventions as much as possible. I ended up needing it tho bc i was nearing 24hrs. Breastfeeding was really important to me so i didn't want the medication affecting my baby. He was over 10 lbs so it is doable, it just depends on your pain tolerance. Women have been doing it for thousands of years!

I did end up getting the epidural, but regret it. They do tell you about the effects it’ll have during the time you have it, but not about the after effects. (Or at least my dr didn’t). The recovery process for me right after birth was horrible because of the epidural. The epidural freezes your bladder apparently and my bladder took 12+ hours to unfreeze. That means i couldn’t pee for 12+ hours!!! Also, i couldn’t walk for a long time after which was very frustrating. The recovery process is already hard, the epidural just made it even harder. I really wish I would’ve powered through and not been talked into taking it and I would’ve had a better recovery experience. So make sure you do ALL your research and think of all the possibilities before you make your decision.

I definitely recommend an epidural! I was induced at 40 weeks and was only 1cm that whole week and our daughter was ready according to my ob. We went in on the 7th of sept at 8am I got thru 6 of the 8 pills forgot what they were called but by the time I got to the 6th my contractions/pain was so horrible and strong and I was 4cm now couldnt take the pain ne more so got my epidural and then about a hr after that I was 10cm and pushing took me 3 hrs after the epidural to push our bby out and had a gr8 experience w it! would definitely use one again and our daughter was born on 9/8 at 2am healthy and no problems from it:) and I was fine from it no side affects

I know most people are for epidural but as someone who got it 3 times and my first one I was 21 (9 years ago) it messed up my back i always have to get up slowly when I been sitting for long periods of times and when it’s cold I get sharp pains in my back I regret it so bad but I was young when I had my kids and didn’t know any better I’m only 30 and feel like I have the back of a senior ..

Also the people who tell you there’s no side effects unless it’s been years I wouldn’t take their advice on that

I went in planning to avoid the epidural - I actually chose to give birth in a ward that didn't offer it. But after 36 hours of labor and no progression, plus I was losing energy since I hadn't eaten anything and had been sick, I requested a transfer and an epidural simply because I feared I wouldn't have the energy to push when the time came. After the epidural I was able to get a bit of rest and talk to the doctor about my options. Basically, if you go in wanting one that's fine. But if you plan not to have one and end up requesting it, that's also fine. It's your choice and you can always change your mind.

I went in with a plan to not have one unless I changed my mind. My contractions (if any) were sensations to pee over night every 5 minutes (I had on cervical ripening vaginal suppository & an ambien to sleep for induction in the am. No break of sac) they check in am I was still 1.5 cm, 5 minutes later (without contractions) I was 6 cm. They said this is your last chance, I was scared and asked, anesthesiologists wasn’t there, in 5 min, checked again and he was not crowning but I was 10cm too late for epidural. you don’t get it. The benefits outweigh risk before during and after birth, but if anything’s wrote you’ll be whisked off to C-section and get one anyway. Natural birth hurts, but better for hormones and longer stay. 🤷‍♀️ #complicated. Some people just need them and you don’t know until you are giving birth.

I already commented but I’ll tell you my experience I got to 8cm before I couldn’t take anymore. I was induced so some people may say the contractions are worse but they never got actually bad for me till 8cm. That’s when I could barely breath cause they were so bad. I used laughing gas at first which help but I think the fear itself set in and I was scared of giving birth and feeling everything so I got an epidural. Once I get that maybe 10-20min later they could find my baby’s heart beat a lot of the time they had to switch the bands and they had to put something up me to attach to my baby so they can get a better heart beat. But even then they always had to adjust it cause they would lose it. Was kinda worrying. But anyways fast forward I finally got to 10cm they told me to hold my legs and to push. I couldn’t feel anything down there to I barely knew If i was pushing hard or not. But then my daughter heart rate went down and they told me to stop pushing and they tried the forceps which didn’t work

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So I got rushed to the surgery room and they gave me another dose of the epidural didn’t work I could still feel the knife so they put me under. They gave me so much epidural that I could feel my legs I couldn’t even barley move them I thought I was paralyzed tbh😂 but anyways 15 month pp and my back hurts alll the time I hate it. People don’t believe me when I say the epidural made my delivery experience a nightmare but once I got that it all went down hill. Never again. Now I think to myself if I got to 8cm and just toughen it out I could’ve gone 2 more and hopefully would have a natural delivery. So next pregnancy I’m going all natural

I am so sorry to hear this! I know so many people who have had good and bad experiences. I hate that yours was bad... I can’t imagine what you must’ve felt during that time. I am happy you and your daughter are both ok though, aside from your back pain of course. I will definitely keep this in mind when I go for delivery as well... I am so sorry

Unless you are 42 weeks, there’s usually no good reason to induce early. Let your body do what it was designed to do. I had our 10lb son with no medication and I will do the same with our daughter due in August. Natural childbirth is not scary, it is empowering. Your body already knows what to do, you just have to relax and let it do it’s job. 😊 if you can avoid the induction, please do! It’ll be better for you and baby!! Remember, there are no real scientific studies on the effects of drugs on the baby during labor.

I had back labor and was in a lot of pain with no reprieve from the contractions. I was begging for a c section to get it over with ( which they wouldn’t do). Then I got my epidural. GAME CHANGER!! I absolutely loved it!! My whole experience changed. I was able to rest mid labor and able to joke and laugh. It was hard to tell if I was pushing. But for pain it was amazing, I would do it again and love my entire experience. But you know what is right for you and you could always try natural and ask for an epidural if you feel like you need it. You may not!

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