She was out of Sturgeons Women's Health Clinic by the hospital.
Dr. Kerr out of the woman’s health clinic. She’s amazing :)
I had Dr. Lacasse but she didn't deliver either of my babies. Loved her as my OB My First was delivered byDr. Delara and 2nd was Dr. Kerr. Both are great
Loved dr lacasse and she ended up delivering my baby as well! Great experience
I went with a midwife at st Albert midwife.
Dr.MacCauley is awesome 👌
I had Dr. Dedoming, but she went on holidays 3 weeks before I was due, so I had Dr. Tam and then they had to induce me because of my BP and Dr. Tam had worked all day so Dr. Hubner delivered my baby. Loved every single one of them. They all work out of the Sturgeon Women's Health Clinic. You'll need to get a referral to see any of the doctors in there
@Alex I had my baby 5 months ago now with dedoming
I had Dr.lacasse buuut she wasn't the one that delivered my baby. Another lady did. I can't remember her name. She was wonderful though. The delivery there was 👌. You can ask for a certain OB but there's a 50/50 shot you'll have them deliver your baby.