Tantrum twos HELP!!
My daughter just recently started losing it lately. Over little or big things it doesn’t matter she just throws herself to the floor and screams/kicks/hits herself/ pulls her hair. Anything and everything she can. And she used to be the best sleeper. Like wouldn’t have to do a thing she would climb into bed and pass out. Now she flips out screaming at the door and HAS to have one of us in the room with her or she won’t sleep. And if she wakes up when we leave the room she loses it again. SOMEBODY HELP!! This is all new to me and it’s draining me!! There has to be something I can do! When she has her tantrums I can get her down to calm down but the sleeping is our biggest issue right now! 🫠
Currently going through the same thing! My girls tantrums are out of this world. She used to go to her bed perfectly and now she has started sleeping with us and when we try to put her into her own room it’s absolute chaos. 😢 hoping you find some advice. Just know you’re not alone ❤️