Colostrum collecting

I've been told I can start collecting colostrum but I'm a bit confused. I thought I could use a breast pump to collect it but then I've see this on the NHS website. (picture below). I'm not too sure now because I'd still prefer to use a breast pump but I'm now not too sure if it's safe Edit: I've been leaking from 18 weeks and the amount I leak a night is ridiculous that's why I feel although a breast pump would be better. My midwife has told me it's safe to start collecting and that's it. No help or guidance which helps 🤣
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it’s recommended not to use a breast pump apparently i spoke to my midwife about it yesterday and she said it’s best to just collect it straight from breast with a syringe. she said it’s of the same consistency as honey and you’ll initially only get a few drops to be able to collect direct from a syringe! my other thought was i was going to sterilise a single bottle in the microwave and try to collect in that

No a breast pump isn’t recommended as it can induce labour and also they recommend not to use a breast pump until around 6 weeks postpartum once your milk is established. You have to collect it with syringes or express it by hand into a cup xx

They say not to use pumps because it's such a small amount and it's sticky it gets stuck in the tubes and can induce labour. You should hand express into a syringe or onto a spoon or a small pot whichever is easier. Then make sure you label before you freeze I made that mistake I before. Also don't feel disheartened of you get such a small amount at first it's completely normal and some women can't actually express colostrum it in no way indicates your supply after birth either so don't panic if that's the case (I couldn't with my first) just keep trying and stay relaxed. There's some good videos on YouTube for techniques and things might be worth a look

You may only literally get 1ml of liquid. Best to hand express. I did it with my partner, he helped to collect onto a sterile spoon and then syringe it up with the syringes. Then name and date and pop in the freezer - you may get none at all and that's normal! Doesn't mean anything about your supply ☺️ just some people get it, some people don't

With my first I hand harvested colostrum from 37 weeks with a syringe. Then froze them in a freezer bag labelled with dates harvested. You shouldn’t pump pre birth due to inducing labour. I had to pump on day 2 after giving birth as I had a little man with tongue tie but this instantly brought my milk in replacing the colostrum and causing me to have an over supply. I’d suggest not pumping until at least a week after birth if you can help it. They drink very very small quantities in the first few days.

Probably should have put this in the post but, I've been leaking from 18 weeks and the amount I leak a night is ridiculous that's why I feel although a breast pump would be better. My midwife has told me it's safe to start collecting and that's it. No help or guidance which helps 🤣

I’m the same with this pregnancy and have been leaking since 20 weeks but you wouldn’t want to bring on premature labour as can cause complications for you and baby during birth and you also wouldn’t want your body replacing the liquid gold colostrum by bringing your milk in. A breast pump is super strong compared to hand expressing. You can try harvesting by hand whilst in a warm bath or shower to make it easier, just pop the syringe up close to the droplets. It’s normal to leak more at night.

If your leaking a lot maybe look into getting the collecting cups, you can pop them in your bra and then you don't waste any

Omg I remember having to collect colostrum but they didn't to do it before labour so I had just had her and they passed ke a load of syringes and my partner had to squeeze my boobs and it out 🤣🤣 it was probably traumatic for him but I didn't care at the time. Get a manual I can't remember the name.of the one I had but you put it on the boob and it collects whatever is leaking I'll see if I can find the name. When I was expressing I used to have to have it on the other side while.i was doing one boob cos the leakage was insane.

Just an idea, and not a recco: What about non invasive collection cups you can wear at night? I’ve not had any colostrum yet and I’m 35 weeks but have got the syringes ready. In case I’m blessed with lots I brought the Elvie Catch cups to help. Maybe worth a try? Obvs please check first this is suitable. Best of luck x

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