Pelvic pain

I’m 33 weeks pregnant and have really bad pains in my pelvis should I be worried it’s getting to the point where I struggle to get up and walk xx
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Mine started at 31 weeks and I’m 37.5 now. It’s pelvic girdle pain it’s nothing to worry about but it does make life harder! I’m told it resolves when baby comes. I’ve seen physio and also a Chiropractor. You need to rest as much as possible and keep your legs together especially getting out of bed etc x

It seems like the moment I hit the third trimester, my pain started. I was doing so great before that!! The weird things for me is that it's totally on one side. The OB was pretty unhelpful and just said nothing you can do, take Tylenol and warm baths. My massage therapist worked on my glutes and surrounding muscles and said she thought it was pseudo-sciatica, where the muscles are pinching the sciatic nerve. She gave me some exercises to do with a tennis ball, and they have helped for the more exterior pain, but I can't seem to relieve the pain in my groin and inner thigh and I think that, specifically, is pelvic pain. This is just life now I guess.

@Rachel this is exactly like me! I was so fine before that haha. I’ve been given crutches now but I don’t want to use them too much and weaken muscles more. Mine is also only my right side! Chiro thinks it’s cos baby sits on my left side most of the time so I over compensate and my pelvis is out of line and twisted. Didn’t expect any of this!! X

@Abi Mine's all on my left! I have been going to the gym throughout my pregnancy but had to take the past few weeks off because of the pain and fear of making it worse. I'm finally in a place now where I can walk fairly normally and feel comfortable going back to light weights, but anything remotely heavy and I feel it immediately. I definitely didn't expect any of this, either!

@Rachel that’s so good I had to stop everything and can’t even go for walks! I miss the gym SO much

I’m currently 39 + 1 and I’ve also had this pain (plus my inner thighs hurting) since 33 weeks! According to my doctor it’s just because of how low/deep baby is in my pelvic causing a lot of pressure! She told me it’s nothing to be concerned about at all and that it’s just baby getting ready into position! I was just told to stay active obviously to a point and to not over strain myself! I also find getting out of bed is a struggle as I find my pelvic pops especially when I’m laying in bed and flip myself to a different side. I would bring it up with your doctor of course as every doctor has a different opinion on it but definitely try to keep yourself active if you can!

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