Wondering if anyone can relate

Almost 19 month old is still breastfeeding and also co sleeping. He has no interest in weaning. I’m wondering if anyone else is in the same situation and possibly thinking about baby #2 as well? I really Want to grow our family but im scared as to how i Manage pregnancy plus a toddler that’s breastfeeding and co sleeping still. It feels like a lot, i don’t know if i can realistically do both. Even just thinking about first tri sickness and boob pain while breastfeeding terrifies me, then you add in the sleepless nights/co sleeping while growing a bump. Can anyone share their experiences?
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I could have written this word for word lol!!! Absolutely no clue where to start on easing the feeding to sleep and co sleeping either. I have been told by many different mothers that the pregnancy hormones change your milk flavour and most babies wean themselves because they don’t like it 🤷🏼‍♀️ I know I’ve been planning to start my girl in her own bed after winter so she’s not cold but I don’t have any clue how.

We are on the same boat girl! My 19months still co sleep if i put him in cot he just wake up and cone to us. I also want 2nd baby but due to exhuastion and lack of support i cant.

Literally in the same situation as you! My 19 month old also feeds/co sleeps. I always put her to sleep in her own room but she still wakes up like 2-3 times during the night so I end up bringing her into the bed with us 😅 I’ve also heard that your milk changes when you get pregnant. A friend of mine was breastfeeding her first then when she fell pregnant with her second, her milk changed and her first self weaned x

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