Is it baby blues or post partum again

Hi, I just had my 3rd baby girl, currently 6 days post partum after a planned c section… physically I feel fine, actually recovering pretty well but the mood is something else.. I feel so sad a lot of the time, almost grieving level… I am so scared of being by myself and here it is, the dreaded day has come, my husband is going back to work tomorrow and I am not coping well at all.. the same thing happened with my second and I ended up on antidepressants for a few months and in therapy.. could it be the same thing? How do I tell if it is just baby blues or am I sinking into depression again… any advice please? (Unfortunately I don’t have family who isn’t working full time around me to spend time with..)
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Hi dear I’m so sorry to hear that. Did you got this during your first baby? I got mine pretty bad when I delivered my baby via planned c section too. Just really emotional, crying everyday, worry anxiety , feel sooo sad and fraud especially when the night comes , and feel lonely because I was staying with my husband’s family . My own family is living far away from me . It will get better . I remember that time as well it was really scary! It took me many many many months to be better but I’m very sure you’ll get better too, and of course some of it it’s because of the hormones it’s very imbalance now . 💕💕💕💕

Thank you so much for responding!! 🥹 it’s nice knowing other women struggled with this… I had this with my second, not the first but I also have had some past mental health issues that I guess may contribute.. I just can’t tell the difference between normal and actual depression anymore cause I’m in the thick of it..

I didn't have any family near me (we lived on oppositesides of the USA when my LO was born). Giving birth messes up your hormones a lot, which messes with your mental health. I had depression before giving birth. My OB checked in on my mental health a lot (she was awesome), and I ended up on extra meds for a while. Reach out to your doctor. According to the Mayo Clinic PPD happens in 1 of 7 new mothers. PPA in about 10%. So you are definitely not alone. If you're questioning whether you have it, you probably need to talk to your doctor. It's hard being alone and dealing with everything by yourself. I'm so glad you seem to be physically healing well.

@laura I remembered my google post was .. is it postpartum blue or postpartum depression? I googled this every minute of my confinement days going crazy. To be honest I am not sure myself , but I think the effects of both of them are the same , it’s just the duration. If it last longer then it’s ppd . That’s why I am afraid to get my second baby I only have one and it was a planned ivf baby and yet I still got ppd . But my baby is 1 year old now and I can finally say I’m feeling back to normal !!! I’m so happy and glad and I know you will too. 🥰

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