Transfer on Monday 🤞🏻

Had the news today that out of our 9 eggs collected: 4 matured 2 fertilised So now it’s radio silence until Monday morning when they give me the green light to go in for my transfer at 2! I am STRUGGLING with the wait already. Just two little embryos that need to be super strong and make it to day 5 🙏 Can I please have some success stories of lower numbers and how you got through the waiting of their development? 😫
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Hiya, we had our collection at the end of May. We had 7 collected, 7 mature, 5 fertilised. 3 were good enough to freeze by day 5 and 1 more made it by day 6 so we ended up with 1 excellent quality and 3 good quality embryos from 7 eggs. They’re all in the freezer and I’m about to start my first FET cycle in a couple of weeks. Good luck!

My last round we had 4 eggs collected, 3 fertilised and we ended up with two good quality blastocysts one of whom is due to be born in a few weeks 🤍 x

Similar to you.. I had 7 collected, 3 matured and 2 fertilised. Only 1 made it to day 5 for transfer and I’m currently 6 weeks pregnant ☺️ Wishing you all the luck 🍀

9 retrieved 7 mature 4 fertilized 3 blasts 1 genetically normal🩵 Currently 33w6d with our only embryo

10 retrieved 8 mature 5 fertilised 3 blasts got genetic testing 1 genetically unaffected Currently almost 11 weeks pregnant

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