I’ve been given the same, so I’m interested also!
@Toni ahh brilliant! glad you had a positive experience!
I’m about to start this too so I’d like to follow the post and see others experiences
I've been given this and my husband has been keeping an extra eye on me as I was on the combined pill for years and years before having our little girl and it really messed with my mental health. He says I've been a bit more snappy the last few weeks since being on it but that could just as much be being stressed about baby as anything else 😅 not had/seen any side effects that are causing huge concern ☺️
i was on it for two years and had no physical problems, it stopped my period almost completely which was quite nice, but it did make me really depressed, which is actually why i stopped taking it. so i recommend just keeping an eye on how you're feeling mentally, hopefully this doesn't happen to you though! i know others who took it and had a great time
I had taken it for years before getting pregnant and had no issues really. It stopped my period which was actually nice and then when I came off it for us to get pregnant we got pregnant the first month of trying 😊