IUI experiences

Hello! Looking to hear more experiences with IUI. My background- endometriosis stage 2 where it was covering my ovaries but he removed a lot of it via surgery. Just cancelled a second IUI cycle because i only have 1 dominant follicle. This also happened in the first round, we never actually completed it because we cancelled, didnt trigger for the one follicle. My doctor has a game plan to start me on estrogen late in the luteal phase if i dont get pregnant this cycle to help even out the playing field where more can mature at the same rate. Just a bit frustrating when most stories i heard were "we got pregnant after one iui"
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I don’t have endometriosis, but I did 3 IUIs. They were all unsuccessful for us and we decided to go with IVF instead of going for a 4th IUI.

Hi, I have mild endometriosis (lesions outside of ovaries/uterus that I haven’t yet had removed). Currently in second IUI cycle. In both cycles have had dominent follicles in both ovaries. If it helps I was put on gonal F injections of 50IU with ovitrelle for the trigger shot and then progesterone pills to try to lengthen/strengthen my luteal phase. But of course everyone is different and therefore the treatment will vary. My plan is to do a third IUI before moving to IVF if it doesn’t work out. I think the cumulative odds are higher after several IUIs but important to remember that IUI has only a slightly higher chance than getting pregnant in the traditional way. Best of luck with your treatment plan!

@Kate thank you! Similar, he put me on 75 iu gonal f (follistim) for 2 days and we abandoned the trigger because its just one that is massive and the rest wouldnt catch up. Yep i think keeping that last bit in mind is helpful, thank you!!

@Meghan did you trigger all your iuis? Im thinking in his mind these arent complete cycles because we didnt trigger, but im like uhhhm is that how it works?! Haha

@Kate according to my RE, the odds actually significantly decrease after 3. I figured the chances would be better the more you do, but apparently not!

@Natalie I have PCOS, so we did triggers for all 3.

I don't have endo, but I do have PCOS and hypothyroidism. I have done 2 IUIs and gotten pregnant both times. My son from my first IUI and now I'm pregnant with a daughter from my second IUI.

I have endometriosis. I haven't had a lap yet, so I don't know the extent. Only know I have endo because of my endometrioma. I did 5 IUIs and none were successful. 3 were triggered, and 2 I ovulated on my own. I was also on letrozole for all 5. My last couple IUIs I had 4 or 5 large follicles, but still no success. No significant male factor issues either.

@Taylor thanks for sharing 🩷

Really sorry to hear that @Taylor - that sounds really tough. Would definitely recommend that if you do get a lap that you give your permission for the surgeon to remove any lesions on any tissue where there is no major risk of anything. My doctor didn’t fully make me aware before and I only found out right before my surgery that they were only doing the first lap to take a look and they didn’t actually remove any of the lesions.

Thanks for the heads up. We'd be going into it with the intention of removing the endometrioma for sure. But still good to know that we should discuss potential other lesions they find as well and what to do about that. That must have been really frustrating for you to wake up and realize they found lesions but didn't do anything about them.

I was technically unexplained infertility but underwent surgery to remove polyps and have a history with cervical cryosurgery. I did 3 rounds of IUI with trigger shots for all and none were successful. We also went with IVF afterwards bc our doctor told us the chances plateau after 3 as well

I dont have endo, but I have PCOS. My husband has low motility. We had 2 IUIs and both failed. Both IUIs were 5mg letrozole and no trigger shot. Instead of doing a 3rd IUI, we have decided to move on to IVF.

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