I also had a natural cycle exactly as above, transfer was booked in for 6 days after I got a peak due to being a 5 day embryo and that you ovulate the day after your peak. Are they giving you progesterone suppositories?
Both my kids were with natural Fets. My transfers were 6 days after they confirmed ovulation. Good luck!
I did 1 natural FET and he is 20mo. However the clinic did blood tests throughout to get the exact day I ovulated. I had to do 3 blood tests in a row (daily) so they could pinpoint the exact day / time I ovulated.
Yep, that’s what is did. I had some scans early on in the cycle just to check a follicle was growing and my lining was good. But then called once I got peak ovulation and had a transfer 5 days later. She is my now 13 month old and hoping to do another transfer later this year or early next. I’ll be doing a natural transfer again.