I’m exactly the same my sex drive has always been low but especially since I’ve had my baby , I think it’s because I’m so exhausted when it comes to night time I just want to jump in bed and go to sleep
@Mol at least we know where not alone. I feel awful for my partner and I do remind him it's not him it's the way I feel, weather thats me being nakered or not in the mood or just over stimulated etc, it's so hard getting the right balance.
Have you tried scheduling in some time to reconnect emotionally? I know that sounds cringe but for example, my partner and I have been out for dinner alone once since our daughter was born (which obviously isn't something we can do regularly) and then we also play board games together and have started re watching our favourite show in the evening. I know it's hard to carve out time, but even something like going on a walk together with baby in the pram. I've found that making time for each other in this way leads to more flirting and then better physical intimacy (however rare that may be, it's always better to have pent up flirty energy ready for when you finally get time to be physical).