ABSOLUTELY NOT! You enjoy that time to yourself! Have as much of it as you need to be able to function effectively! Everyone needs a break no shame in that! I value my time alone so much now I have the baby! I look forward to days I know I have bits to do for myself and have a break for just even an hour! Helps me refocus and settle myself 💞 don’t let anyone make you feel guilty for doing what’s best for YOU and YOUR BABY! Remember happy mums = happy babies 🥰x
Listen, I'm a mom with separation anxiety that can't stand being away from my baby. I would absolutely never shame another mom for taking "me time", you need it. I managed to get away for one or two nights and forgot how much I enjoyed being my own person for a hot minute, knowing someone else was taking care of my little guy. There's nothing to feel guilty about.
Absolutely not! I actually think it's healthy for both mum and baby to have a little time away from each other. Helps you break the routine of being mum and enjoy a different environment and time to yourself and it also helps lo build bonds with others xx
Yes so so wrong.. 100 percent wrong. (I only say this out of complete jealously) You're a mum yes but a person aswell, sometimes we lose that! Enjoy your break 💓
Absolutely not !
Nope you are not wrong go enjoy yourself! Me and my group of friends enjoy a Friday night out while the kids are mainly sleeping at home w their Dads. We get home at 1-2am not overnight, but it’s a good break for us. Much needed.
Not wrong at all
I would love a night away!
Absolutely NOT wrong at all! I am ALWAYS a better mum when I have time to myself and time away from the smaller loves of my life❤️❤️❤️