My daughter was on 4oz every 2 hours to bring her weight up and that was set by the midwife as she loss 10.1% after birth and she is a month old now so she had 4 weeks of that now she feeds on 10oz every 3 hours x
@Becca my son was 5lb when he was born and is now 4,10 - should i up his feed to 4 oz and see if it helps then? x
5 hours is quite a long time for a 1 week old to be sleeping, and 6oz is also a lot for a 5lb baby. Have you got an infant feeding team you can speak to in your area? It is possible to over feed a formula fed baby, make sure you're pace feeding the bottles. Remember they get fussy round about now as they're awake a little more and starting to realize they're not attached to you. You could utilize a dummy to see if they just want to comfort suck which is entirely normal.
I think it’s fine! Baby’s are intuitive and generally don’t over feed. The guide is around 150 ml per kg. In these early weeks I think it’s ok to listen to baby as you both figure things out xx