Feeding with epilepsy

Hello! I have epilepsy and I’ve been ebf my 8 week old daughter. I got a seizure this week after it being controlled for 13 years. Fellow moms with epilepsy, how are you managing feeding, lack of sleep and seizure control?
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Personally I've been absolutely fine, including the days where I have run out of meds & forgotten to get more in. Medically controlled for 9 years, back to back babies, so have been feeding in total of 20 months tomorrow. Lack of sleep, always been rubbish at getting a decent amount 😅

I had to give up breastfeeding and pumping early because it was taking too much of my energy and was making my fatigue worse, we ended up switching to formula and my partner did a lot of the late night feeds🙂

With my eldest I was on a really high dosage and struggled with auras from the lack of sleep. I BF for 10 weeks then moved to formula. With my second I was on a lower dosage and he was a better sleeper. Still found that 16 weeks was all I could manage for BF. Fortunately I didn’t have seizures but there were times I felt one was coming.

How did you guys manage the switch? I already have the issue of clogged ducts, not feeding regularly will make this worse. I’ve been increasing interval between feeds but I wake up with severe engorgement and pain.

I was lucky and managed to make it through the early months without one. But we had to supplement Baby with formula so I would pump during the day and then at night my hubby and I would switch off feeding so I was able to get a little more rest. I suggest talking to your doctor. While your dosage (likely) decreased right after birth, you may need a higher dose to get you through the first little bit.

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