@Abby yes
They measured you at 11 weeks?! That’s wild to me as that’s so early and many people don’t even show by then! Appreciate you’re in the US and things work different there but just for some perspective in the UK, they don’t measure you until 24-28 weeks as they say before then is just too early. So I really wouldn’t panic as 11 weeks is barely any time at all - I’m currently 23+6 and still not really showing
@Alexandra exactly what I was saying... like that's too early to do measurements I didn't have measurements with my first til around 20 weeks
If this was your first scan then I wouldn’t stress it at all! It’d be one thing if baby measured 8 weeks two weeks ago and then still measured 8 weeks today, that would be concerning. But since this was the first scan then there’s nothing to compare it to, ya know? You prob just ovulated a little later than expected 😊 If baby had a heartbeat and looked good that’s all I’d care about!
Was this your first appointment/first ultrasound?