Binki weaning or cold turkey?

Thinking of cutting off the binky cold turkey 🦃 has anyone else done this and what was your experience? Doc wants us to get rid of the binki but she asks for it to sleep:/ My daughter is 16 months
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I weaned my daughter off shortly after she turned 3. It’s wayyyyy harder when you do it after the age of 3. Id wean off and slowly wean it until just sleep, and then when she’s asleep take it out of her mouth. I’ve seen some people out it in BAB, trade it for ice cream, get presents

My LO is 1 years old. We stopped cold turkey. L.O. wasn't dependent on them and we switched to teethers to help with that process. So, after saying that- it's been an easy transition. GOOD LUCK!

@Kenzie thank you! My daughter is 16 months and I can see her getting attached and using it as a sleep aid. We only allow it “in bed” I try to take it out when she is just asleep but sometimes she wakes up SCREAMING! Sometimes she will fall asleep without it but it usually takes an extra 30 min and her asking for it a few times

@Enjoli ooo thank you. I wonder if we give her a teether instead she will be okay with that…. I wanted to stop cold turkey at 1 but it’s so hard with family members using it for her to sleep with them and when she cry’s for it

Yeah if babe is old enough to ask for it, it's time to go. After 21 nieces and nephews and my own twins, I say save her teeth and go cold turkey! Have her help you plant them in your yard and then the next day have lollipops in the ground where you buried them and then they're gone and she's gotten a prize for it!

@Ashley oh yeah wean off and do the extra 30 minutes. If you wait or give in it’ll be longer than 30 min. My girl took 2 hours past bedtime of screaming and crying to get off it.

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