You can always call and be seen. I did that at 28 weeks with my 2nd just for peace of mind. It is common to have mild cramping in the first trimester. If this is your first pregnancy, your uterus has never done this before so it’s going to be uncomfortable for a bit while it starts to stretch. Hell this is my 4th pregnancy and I had cramping in my first trimester too. It’s most likely nothing but again you can always call for peace of mind.
Yes, call your nurses line if you’re nervous, but it’s completely normal. Mild cramping is the uterus growing and your muscles shifting and preparing for a growing baby.
You can always call and be seen. I did that at 28 weeks with my 2nd just for peace of mind. It is common to have mild cramping in the first trimester. If this is your first pregnancy, your uterus has never done this before so it’s going to be uncomfortable for a bit while it starts to stretch. Hell this is my 4th pregnancy and I had cramping in my first trimester too. It’s most likely nothing but again you can always call for peace of mind.