I’m going through it now while I’m pregnant with our 2nd. I’m praying for you cus I know how hard it is.
I’m going through it now while pregnant with my 1st. I feel your pain but we got this 🙏🏽❤️.
I am so sorry that you are going through this love. If you try to imagine the months ahead now it will seem impossible but just like these other ladies said… with time you will be amazed on how okay you will be. Go through the emotions(don’t suppress em) and take it day by day with the goal of getting to 30 days each month without contacting him outside of your kids matters. If you fail at that one month, try and try again to get further each month. U need that time to feel and mourn without this man’s influences so that u can regain your center and come back stronger than ever💕
What do you need?
I went through this almost exactly one year ago. October 22 was a year. We were basically married in every way but legally. He was extremely abusive and lied to me all the time and eventually I had enough and ended it. The months following were extremely difficult, shit sometimes it's still hard. In the beginning the pain was almost unbearable and I was so depressed I wanted to give up on everything. The only thing that kept me going and kept me getting out of bed every morning was my daughter. I woke up and faked being happy every day until I wasn't faking it anymore. It might feel like your entire world is falling apart right now but time really does heal all wounds. Break ups are hard enough but with the father of your child it's a million times worse. Maybe if you're really struggling you could consider therapy, it helped me a lot to talk about it with an unbiased person who could give me actually good advice.
@Shana thank you so much I really needed to hear this❤️😔
@Shey 😔🙏🏾I’m praying for you too. Thank you
@Sadia thank you I am really going through it even though I initiated the break he has moved on and I think that’s hurting me the most. I’m ready to feel better . And thank you so much for the tips
@Kinyatta Outing a support system, a hug, a break, to stay sober. So much 😔
@Alexis thank you so much it does feel that way like I’m not okay from one minute to the next . I really do want to feel better and happy
One day at a time hun. You are stronger and more resilient than u know❤️
@Shaquana V. How are you feeling?
Hey I went through this 11 months ago I feel amazing now trust me time heals sending hugs and prayers your way mama