She's 7 😔 the teacher said she ran to the line and he told her walking feet and she got mad and sat at her table instead of going to P.E with the rest of the class. But she's saying she ran to the line teacher told her walking feet so she walked back I guess too fast and he said walking feet but supposedly he grabbed her shoulders out of line and sat her down at her seat pushing her shoulders down is what she's saying. Teacher called me the day it happened told me what happened and my daughter was crying on the phone saying "he pushed me"
@Misti right I feel the same sounds about right the teacher said he didn't touch her at all though.. so idk I'll comment back when I see the video today
I just have to know so I know what I'm working with
If this was happening to me I would doubt they’d be showing it to me without an apology first if the teacher had pushed her. So it’s good you’re prepared for both eventualities.
Any update?
How did things go yesterday?
Any updates. 👀
I think it's possibly about perspective.. my daughter said these girls were hitting the top of her head once that it gave her a headache lasting all day that she said to stop and they didn't all of that... I was mad of course, and the camera showed her laughing saying words and it doesn't look like they hit her hard. I ask her why she looks happy if it was hurting and she said so they won't stop being my friend. If she perceived it as a hit that hurt her imo it's a hit that hurt her. Regardless of the video. And if she exaggerated any that's not something I can say ya know what I mean. I think it's important to take your kids side incase in the future something happens and then they won't feel like you'll even believe them. If it was a push to her. Maybe just believe her. She perceived it that way possibly and camera footage doesn't tell anyone how it felt to her.
I was able to see the footage outside of the classroom there's no cameras in the classrooms. Luckily the teachers door was open so I got to see a little. He was standing by the door calling the kids name it looked like as there's no sound on the video, he walked away from the door for a bit and came back called everyone else's name and walked out in a line. Of course I didn't see my daughter come out the room. So I'm unsure all I can do is have one foot in and one foot out with her. This is unusual behavior from her I know that much it's not like her to cry about about something for a whole week or not want to go to school she loves school has lots of friends. I told her I believed her and kept it at that. It's important to have my kids trust
... unless he never even touched her. Which imo a teacher shouldn't anyways. Then I would just ask her why she made it up but let her know you're always on her side when she does tell the truth because more things can occur in the future and you want her to know you'll have her back
In my opinion I did feel like he moved her which might of felt like a push to her I don't think he was aggressive about it. I just think she probably was overly excited running to the line and she could've done it again and that's when he could've guided her to her seat..
How old is she? Kids have a wild imagination so if she’s on the younger side, I’m not sure lying would warrant counselling. I agree with asking her lots of questions around it all and see if the story makes sense, because it’s easy to tell a lie once they talk more. If it’s the truth, I guess it depends on how extreme it was. Like, if she was in danger or causing danger and she gently pushed her aside, that’s different from a full on push that knocks her over. Either way, it’s important you give her the benefit of doubt so she knows she can always come to you. You’ll know what feels right and what to do when you see what happened.