Yep, my supply drops every time I have my period (got it back 3 months pp). Just drink tons of water, eat enough, and rest. It’ll come back!
Mine dropped when I got my period at 4 mos pp, so be grateful you got this long! My supply slowly went back up each cycle and during each cycle. So it will get better! You can always start supplementing with some formula. I began by giving my LO 1/3 formula and 2/3 breastmilk in a bottle.
Thank you SO much! ☺️🫶
Supply drops during periods don’t panic stress can also decrease supply.
Your milk supply should go back to normal after your period If your little one is taking in solids as well your supply might drop a bit too. I wouldn’t worry about it I don’t think you’d need to change over to formula as your body will be able to make enough milk as your little one needs. just keep feeding on demand just because the quantity of milk lessen doesn’t mean the quality is less.. plus as your little one is bigger now so their suction is stronger so they’re probably able to get more milk in much less time than you realise. sometimes they’ll want to feed more regularly and take in less especially if they’re on solids and that’s okay too. just feed as much as your little one wants to feed❤️