@Alex Ours daughter's started at 12.5 months, so fingers crossed it's no more than a couple of weeks 🤞🤞🤞
This is a developmental sleep regression. Once your baby/toddler has reached their milestone then they'll go back to sleeping normally. Alternatively, they may adapting to slightly longer waking hours & ready to drop a nap. Either way this one is temporary & will pass within a week or two. Just keep up with your routine.
@Sarah🦄 Thank you, this one is super tough for sure! Hopefully it won't last much longer, mostly for her sake, she's so exhausted from barely sleeping 😔
@Coral are you able to put your baby to bed earlier to compensate for the lack of napping?
@Coral So exhausting! My daughter went to bed at 6:15 tonight because of no naps and we're on our third resettle in less than 3 hours and it's taking at least 10 minutes each time to calm her down 😭 This is the worst regression for sure!
YES MY SON WONT NAP! Ive been commenting on posts about this for days!!!
We’re here also!! Having to do a bottle of warm milk with every nap to get him off to sleep. Very tough regression this one 😩
A few weeks. Was fine by 12.5 mo 🙏