I have been on Escitalopram 2 years+ and had my first baby/breastfed for a year while on it. Zero negative effects and no risk to babe. Always chat with your doctor if youre nervous, but I know its nice knowing if others have been through it. Im currently pregnant and due with my second in Jan and plan to stay on it, helped with my PPD/PPA.
I’m taking it while breastfeeding for the past 8 months, my doctor okayed it.
I am on Escitalopram as well and I have breastfed for more than a year while on it. My baby had no problem with it. We regularly visited the family doctor and paediatrician to be sure.
I’ve been on it for years and through my pregnancy. No negative effects and he’s a very healthy boy
Has it helped you? Did you experience any weight gain? What dosage did you start out with?
I've been on it since I had my son in 2022 and recently asked my doctor this question as I'm TTC. He said it's totally fine which I'm glad to hear because you can pry my Lexapro out of my cold dead hands 🤣 It's helped me so much and the only side effect I've ever gotten from it was a tight jaw for the first few weeks. After that it's been smooth sailing.
I have been taking this medication for years and continued while pregnant and breastfeeding! No issues :)
I took it while breastfeeding my doctors and lactation nurse said it was completely fine to breastfeed while using