I had this a lot and the only thing that helps for me is sleep. So when I am feeling like that I ask my partner if he can stay more with the baby (doesn't matter what time) I will just take a 2h or 3h nap and helps. Also I take a warm shower before bed to relax me. Some days even doing all o this I still get a bit irritable but I think thay is not my babys fault and I try my best ti fight that feeling and put my head in other place.
I find if I don’t sleep well, I become more irritated and angry with everything. I didn’t used to be like that before being a mom, lack of sleep didn’t bother me that much before. I suppose because I have more responsibilities now during the day and, as a first time mom, most of the time I don’t know if I’m doing things right, the lack of sleep on top of it is really getting to me.
Me definitely. Trying to cope with prayer and taking time for myself.