@Megan I think so too, but like to know I'm not the only one thinking like that
My two have 15 months between them so my daughter was still really young when I was pregnant and she basically used me as her own personal soft play. I tried to redirect her as much as possible and reinforced gentle hands (or more like gentle feet/elbows/jumping 🙃😂). I had no issues. Baby is so well cushioned and protected. Super natural to be worried but I guarantee baby won’t have felt a thing. Hope you’re okay, emotions and hormones can make it all feel so much worse. I cried in the library this morning because someone else’s toddler tripped over a baby who was then hysterical and the toddlers Mum was trying to deal with her baby at the same time and I just felt overwhelmed for her even though I’ve literally never met her before. Motherhood is wild! 🤍
My toddler did the same to me a few days ago - flopped down right on my lower stomach when I wasn't expecting it so didn't brace myself. I was worried at the time but nothing concerning has happened since then so I think it's fine! They're so well protected in there especially at this early stage 😊
Should be fine baby at the moment will be very low down pretty much in your hips still 🙂