I had thrush so many times during my pregnancy it was absolutely horrendous. I had strep b also and i didn’t even think about it during labour, like above said it’s literally so baby is ok and it’s not passed on. Don’t worry about it, they will take care of it all when you go into labour xx
I had it its nothing serious just to prevent baby from getting infection or anything on the way out. They just give you antibiotics through your iv.
Yes, I've had it and it upset me because I wanted a natural birth (which I had apart from the IV) and I find IVs so painful but it needed to be done. An IV of antibiotics during labour will prevent baby from catching anything.
Yep. I've had this in my 1st pregnancy, all was fine, I was hooked up to IV antibiotics in labour and baby was all okay! I too had thrush and some abnormal discharge (that's how mine was picked up) and was asking the midwife why this isn't routinely done in the UK. She said it's down to money and you can have GBS one minute and not the next.
Hi my boy is 13 weeks now , I had this I was worried sick because I didn’t know much about it , honestly do not worry the antibiotics is just to prevent your little one catching it as they passes through the birth canal , you will forget about it in labour , but as you get to the hospital to give birth mention to them you have strep b , I got reassured its a common thing so do not worry , I also suffered with bad thrush throughout my last two trimesters and the auntibiotics just wernt clearing it x