Stay home for 3 days if possible, no clothes and watch out for her cues before she has a wee/poo xx
So I have been potty training my 2 year old boy as I’m due in the first week of Jan! I stayed in for a few days and kept him naked from the waist down, gave him lots of drinks and watched him like a hawk, every time he started to do a wee I would put him onto the potty. I would also put him onto the potty every half an hour. Do expect lots of accidents it was quite stressful at first but glad I stuck at it!, my son eventually got the hang of it and now goes completely independently by himself, this did take quite a few weeks though to achieve (3-6 weeks) some toddlers crack it within a few days, others take a little longer!
Also, if you haven’t already, every time you go to the toilet take her and show her/explain to her what’s going on!
Tbh I just went for it, she had done a couple of wees on the toilet over a couple of weeks I just woke up Wednesday and thought instead of confusing her I’ll just go for it with pants.. she took to it amazing! We stayed in for a few days I bought her those steps that lead to a toilet seat and just kept reminding her every half hour or so and she now tells me whenever she needs one in and out the house!
I would ditch the nappy totally (just for naps and bedtime) as she will get confused. Literally watch her for days and even if you catch a drop make a fuss. Books stickers, toys etc. We kept on pants on so he could feel when he was wet
Read the Oh Crap potty training book it’s got a lot of good info and advice. We’ve just potty trained and we started with her naked from the waist down, we didn’t actually remind her to go or set timers as we wanted her to learn to listen to her body and understand the feeling of needing to go rather than just going at set times or when we tell her to.
My LG is fully potty trained now I found for her when I asked her to go she point blanc refused she semi still does it now and has to be on her own terms a lot of the time so I kinda stayed in and have her have nothing on the bottom and waited until she told me she needed to go and quickly then ran and put her on the potty the first 3 days are really difficult but they will get there
When I'm at home I strip my little boy off and encourage him to wee on the potty. When I've tried taking hum out it doesn't work 🤣 but it's a start! Good luck xx