Does she actually need weed to cope ? I’m sure there’s other coping mechanisms she can choose ? Does she have family she can stay with ? Or with you ?
With me in not an option I wish 😢😢😢😢 I'm remodeling my house so I'm sleeping in my living room I think she is trying to avoid going to her family cause she thinks he will come and follow her
@Veronica surely her family will be able to stop him from coming over announced ?
Idk she seems to think they will still let him cause he's there father
YWCA in Enid. She can call the Oklahoma safe line they’ll do an assessment and see if she qualifies for emergency shelter if not they’ll get her in somewhere else. Most don’t care about weed it’s just usually not allowed on property
Tbh in matters like this you gotta let your best friend handle her business sometimes we want the best for others more than they want it for themselves.. continue to be the good friend that you are but don’t drain yourself doing things that won’t have a purpose for you at the end.. this is your friends life and she has to stand on her ten toes and take care of business
I think your friend needs to prioritise finding a roof for herself and her kids rather than worry about smoking weed. I doubt any shelters are going to let her smoke weed onsite. Once she finds somewhere, what she does outside of the premises is her own business.
I’m not sure where you’re located but I’m not too certain of shelters that allow the moms to smoke weed …. Idk maybe on the side she can handle her business but in the actual place highly doubt it