My baby is 3.5 and almost has her first tooth, a canine!
@Sarah omg any remedies for pain? My boy is suffering
My daughter loves freezable teething toys. It can help numb a little bit. I tried Camilia drops from Amazon, but it just curdled the milk in her stomach and gave her a lot of gas. Same with instant camomile tea ice cubes.
There’s cooling gels too
Babies can teeth as early as 3 months, their teeth are starting to grow into their gums at this age, the teeth won’t necessarily be coming out of the gums, but they are in there and can cause discomfort as well. I’m a first time momma so I just let my son nibble on his hand, binkie, and if he feels like it, my boob after he’s done drinking. I’m trying to avoid medication as much as possible while he’s still so young, but that’s been helping me for now.
I suggest some teething gel, it numbs the gums enough to let baby fall asleep or just soothe during the day. Orajel makes one or there are more natural brands too. But yes your baby is teething good luck it will be okay!
Camila helped so much with my first
What I've heard is it is possible for a baby to start teething early because mine is doing the same thing
Typically the first teeth to appear are the bottom center. Our pediatrician told us that babies start getting their salivary glands working at 3 months so they are excessively drooling and showing same signs as teething, so it could be that.
My baby’s doing the same and I was wondering if she’s teething early too! It’s possible!*1jgq52t*_ga*Njg4NTc3MjQuMTczMTU4ODcwMg..*_ga_FD9D3XZVQQ*MTczMTg2Mjc5My4yLjAuMTczMTg2Mjc5My4wLjAuMA