I’ve had the mirena coil for over 15 years as it’s suited me well and only needs replacing every 5 years. I liked it as no periods for me and I didn’t have many side effects. I’ve just gone on the waiting list for another one at my GP’s surgery now little one is 6 weeks. My husband is also looking into a vasectomy as our family is complete but there is a long wait in our area!
You could also try the pill again without the implant I imagine both hormones at the same time would partly cause the moods! I have taken the mini pill since I was 16 but there is also the normal hormone pill too. For me with the mini pill even PP I never get periods never get cramps personally no mood swings and I like that I can take it when I want and if I need a break I can stop or for instance if I wanted another baby I wouldn’t need to go to the gp to start trying I just stop the pill
Why do doctors always suggest taking the pill AND the implant? I just don’t get it, just take the pill in that case 🤣
I’m now pregnant but before pregnancy I tried everything over the space of 4 years - for a number of reasons. I hated the pill and the injection. Both really affected my moods, the injection made me feel suicidal - I’m not exaggerating. I just think it really didn’t suit me. The non hormonal coil was fab, no crazy symptoms, etc. The issue I had is that I had a scan about 5 months later to check a cyst and the coil had actually come out of place and wasn’t effective during that time which was scary. I also know a few women who have had great experiences on the coil and had theirs for years - so don’t take my experience as gospel. The contraception that I loved the most was the patch. The only downside is that you have a patch on which I worried people would see, and you have to remember to change it weekly. But I felt amazing on it, no symptoms and periods at first were slightly irregular, but seemed to find a routine within about 4 months xx
I’m on the injection and have been now for nearly 2yrs and I love it! No problems, but everyone reacts differently to it all. So it’s best to speak to your GP.
im on the injection after having the exact same problem as you with bleeding but the pill didnt stop mine, first injection i didnt bleed at all, the second bled almost the 3mths straighht then this third one ive had random days of heavy bleeding but not all the time. worth mentioning i had complications at birth and have had severe uterus and ovary pains since whixh 2yrs on are undiagnosed so might be affecting it for me