@Sarah I was always told to skip the pull up’s and go straight to underwear as the pull up confuses them. So that’s what I have done minus nap/bed time as I live in an apartment and can’t wash bed sheets/blankets daily. But I want to get my kids bed time trained as I’m tired of pull ups all together.
@Tiffany dr said it's totally normally for nighttime pull ups for a long time yet. I did the pull up method and it worked in 2 weeks. The naked method didn't work and stressed me out. The underwear don't contain pee at all. I tried the underwear and now my chair got peed on. I have no patience for that lol. He knows what to do in the pull up. Did it a long time no problem. And if we were ever anywhere without a bathroom I didn't have to stress haha he's been extra lately and he's having a rebellion to potty training. It must be a regression. He has a little sister now. I re bought some targets so I'm waiting for them. He loved to put them in the toilet to pee. The poop, forget it. He would just poop in underwear as well. And that's a massive cleanup. He pooped a few times. One time to get a toy off a commercial lol but mostly will not poop in toilet. I'm so over it tbh.
My son learned pee in 2 weeks, but only pooped a few times. He's refusing. I haven't pushed it at all as we just do pull ups. It's super annoying bc I want to switch to underwear. He's also starting to get lazy peeing now too. Ugh