When my 6 month old started waking every hour to eat, one thing that worked for us was to not feed until a certain time - for example no feeding until 11, then 2, then 5. After awhile no feeding until 11:30, then 3, then 6:30 etc until there was only one feeding. At first, it was less sleep because I had to rock her until feeding time. But eventually she just woke up once or twice. So if feeding seems to be the isssue, this is one way to get longer stretches without crying. No matter what you do, it’ll get better eventually. Hang in there!
Thank you will try!
@Rebecca thank u🙌🏻
@Tristana we did the same one! We are on week 2 and he goes to sleep so easy😭 first night was terrible!I picked him up and rocked him till he was calm and layed him back down. Took 3 times😭 But now I put on my show(supernatural) on my AirPods, lay him down and just pat his butt for like a minute and he’s out😩😮💨 yesterday he would just roll over immediately and pass out but not today. \: We also a sound machine with a blue night light on it.
@Isabella yes! We had to drop her crib all the way so I sit on the floor and play candy crush and just hum to her. Sometimes she’ll want a hug or two and for sure holds my hands most nights to fall asleep but within 3-5 minutes, she’s out and sleeps 11-12 hours 😭 it’s sooo good
So I can’t stand to hear my baby cry either so I dreaded sleep training. When she turned 10 months, I started the chair method of sleep training and the first night she did cry for 40 minutes but I was right next to her, holding her hand, rubbing her back, singing to her etc so the crying didn’t hurt me like normal because she wasn’t crying alone. So anyways. First night 40 minutes. Second night 25 minutes, third night 10 minutes. Now it takes her 4 minutes to lay down and go to sleep. Side note, she only cried bad the first night. Second night she whined here and there but has never cried again and she actually sleeps through the night since we did that. She would wake up 2-3 times before we did this. Worth it!