Braxton hicks

Have you had any yet? I’m 29 weeks and don’t think I’ve had any! I hear that’s normal, but just interested to hear other people’s experience!
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I’m 30 weeks and don’t think I’ve had any either 😁

I started with them early! Had them with my daughter also. Not everyone gets them though and they’re typically more common in the few weeks before! X

Yes have definitely had them, they feel like a hardening of the uterus/ cramp. They only last a few seconds, not painful but not the most pleasant sensation

28 weeks and I’m unsure if I’ve had them either x

Some women dont get them till right near the end or don't even feel them at all, its all so personal to how our bodies are, how baby is positioned etc all totally normal and doesnt indicate anything to do with labour

28 weeks and I don’t think I have yet x

I didn’t get Braxton hicks at all with my first and haven’t had any so far with my second

I felt none during my first pregnancy, but think I've been having them several times a day for months this time round! They're uncomfortable, tight, and short lived for me, not painful.

It feels a bit like a tightening and hardening of the bump and then loosens and goes back to normal after about 30 ish seconds - that’s how it is for me anyways!

In my first pregnancy I never felt any. I didn't have any contractions until I was in labour. This is my second pregnancy, 28 weeks, and not felt any so far. I'm curious to see if I will feel them this time or if I will even know if I'm having them when I do. All my contractions with my labour were in my back and bum so never felt a contraction in my front.

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