4 weeks of bleeding and then 2 weeks of slow spotting where I needed a liner. Then nothing and then BAM my period. 🙄 Best part is I was exclusively breastfeeding.
First: 28 days of bleeding, period came back the 30th day 🫠 Second: 4 weeks of bleeding, period came back on the 6th week
Oh yeah, EPing the first time and EBFing the second
@Dana 🦅♥️🤍💙 yeah this is about like me
With my first, I bled for about 7w pp (the first week or 2 it was like a period then it was jut spotting on and off) and got my period back at 16 months pp. Im now 4.5 months pp with my second, bled for the same amount of time and still no period for now. Both babies EBF.
I’m still bleeding 🙃 I’m 12 weeks pp. My doctor said it can last 6 months 😭
I bled for about 4 weeks pp then had my period at 7 weeks pp. (not bf)
I bled for just over 3 weeks and then got my period at 6 weeks and I ebf. X
i bled for a month tops and got my period back 3.5 months PP