@Sarah she’s started waking in the night again so she has a bottle then, but she then doesn’t moan for a bottle until after her lunch. Do you recon leave her from the night bottle to lunch time if she’s happy?xx
It’s completely your choice. Maybe up the amount she has before bed and then leave it until she moans for one. Every babies different so it’s hard to navigate lol. I’m in the limbo of we’re nearly out of formula do I just go complete cows milk now but then part of me thinks she’s not ready haha xx
Our girl also has cmpa (bottles have been a struggle throughout her first year because of this) we have started doing oat milk in her straw cup at lunch instead of her bottle as she tends to max have 2/3 oz of it and it’s handy as we are usually out and about and she can just take it herself … otherwise we are still giving 3 normal bottles as she doesn’t always finish them d
Does she moan for milk? I found my baby wasn’t really moaning for milk anymore so I just cut her down to 2 bottles a day. One when she first wakes up and one before bed. I give her some warm cows milk around her morning nap time and water throughout the day. I’d just cut the middle bottle out and maybe give her oat milk (obviously completely your choice) xx