Am I in the wrong?

I told my mum I don’t want any visitors to come to the hospital after I give birth, she reacted really badly saying how I am really selfish and “evil” for not allowing people that have supported me to visit. I said it would be too overwhelming for me but I’m not 100% yet 🤷🏻‍♀️ is this wrong of me to do this?
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Absolutely not. They can come to the house later on. Why are how others feel more important than the one giving birth. I had a baby during covid so no one was allowed to visit just like I always wanted it was amazing. I just got to bond with my baby

Nothing wrong with that! I had a c section unexpectedly. Previously I wanted visitors but after I delivered I didn’t want anyone there for more than 15 minutes at a time. Either way you need to rest because it is so exhausting

Absolutely not. I did not want any visitors in the hospital as I wanted that time to bond with my baby and partner alone. Of course things changed when she ended up in the NICU 12 days but honestly that’s your kid and your rules and everyone should be okay with it

No absolutely not! You just need to prioritise whats good for you and baby 🥰 Being called Evil is abit far fetched.

Hope you’re ok x

No you’re not in the wrong at all I definitely wouldn’t want visitors at hospital. I had a home birth and still didn’t have my mum visit till today (1 week later). Take as long as you need and don’t let anyone make you feel guilty about it! X

I’d wait for you to feel postpartum rage and then unleash it on her without guilt. Imagine calling a brand new mum selfish and evil?! Special circle of hell for that!

not wrong at all. i didn’t want any visitors either. it’s a special time with you and your baby and partner. she’s wrong for calling you evil

I think her reaction is very harsh. Having said that I had a similar experience in that my mum refused to wait to visit. In the end I and decided rather than cause a fight at such a happy time, I just gave in to save the relationship. To compromise I waited a few hours before announcing the birth so nobody would come over until I was ready. She was shocked that I'd waited 4 hours but she understood later.

Not at all, don't let them break down that boundary. I had unexpected visitors when I made it very clear I didn't want anyone besides parents on both sides to visit and it lead to a very public and embarrassing mental breakdown 😅 you get no sleep, it's high stress, and whenever you can relax you don't want people there. Only my mom helped me destress by being there and watching her so I could sleep everyone else had me on edge and unable to relax

Madness. What are your hospital’s rules on visitors anyway? We can only have our birth partner plus one visitor, so you end up having to “choose” who can come. Better to put the boundary in now like you have done - they’re the only ones coming off negatively here! Stay positive and stay true to what you want x

@Kate i love this !😂

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